54: Reconnection

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"I'm so sorry I'm late! I never got a map of the city, and it's still dark, and I—Oh thank the heavens, Azerai, it's you," Firogai's voice apologizes frantically behind me before sliding into a sigh of relief. I turn to see my friend ascending the stairs to the top of the Watchtower of the Water Dancer, where we have both been stationed for this morning's watch.

"Don't worry about it," I answer with a smile. "If I knew where they found housing for you and Nevinrul, I would have come to see you this morning, to help you get your bearings."

"The Kazmiohni gave us a lovely little cottage in the Northwest quarter. Whenever we have a moment, I'd love to show you." Despite her initial panic ascending the tower, Firogai seems to be in high spirits. "It's so much more than either of us dreamed we could have, so early in our careers, and I am so excited to make it our own."

"I'm glad, and happy for you. I was concerned, with how quickly everything has been moving—"

"Oh, so were we, but the Kazmiohni have taken great care of us. The bald one with the bushy eyebrows did say something about having high expectations for us, because they have been so impressed with their other recruits from Andelxiao, but I think that's why they've been treating us so well, and I wanted to thank—"

"Please, don't. I had no idea you were coming here, that you would be joining us. I never asked them to do anything like this for you. They have blessed you of their own accord."

"Still, what have you all done here to earn such favor with them?"

"I think it started with why we came here in the first place, truly. Because they think me the next great military strategist."

"Kazmiohn Zuluthruyen gave you credit for our victory against the Erivim in that battle at Andelxiao a few moons ago. The Andelfior gave the Andelxiao Academy an insane amount of karohni shortly after your squadron left to come here, as an 'investment in future honors,' he said. And we all saw, at your graduation exam, how poorly he treated you. If he's willing to give you credit—"

"I just...don't want the attention, is all. But I am glad the Academy benefitted from it. Firohn Tanarin deserves the honor."

"Agreed. So is there more to it than your strategizing, as to why the Kazmiohni favor you so?"

"Perhaps the trade expedition we escorted to and from Kedar-Jashun had something to do with it. That is what ultimately caused this decision to gather volunteers from across Yrivvenna and send them to Kedar-Jashun to help defend them against the Erivim, but—"

"You're kidding." Firogai stares at me, waiting expectantly for a punch line, but I just return her stare blankly. "A trade expedition? You're serious? Your squadron travelled to and from Kedar-Jashun escorting a trade caravan and it led to this?"

I tell her, in hushed tones as we survey the landscape beyond Orenxiao from our lofty vantage point, about all of the zaikaritim's demands and the behavior of the zaikarit who even now stays within Orenxiao's walls, how he tried to kill me with poison and how both the Orenfior and the Yrivvior have taken notice of me because of these events, and the strategies we have decided to implement to better defend Kedar-Jashun against the Erivim. It's a slow process; naturally, Firogai has many questions about everything that's happened.

"A wonder you haven't killed that zaikarit, in retribution," she mutters, "or that Zelphinon hasn't."

"Rumor has it that vengeful ghosts have taken up that mantle for us," I reply mildly. I have not told anyone that Zelphinon is responsible for the haunting of the zaikarit and his associates, and much as I like and trust Firogai, I do not know that this is the time or place to let her know of this secret. "But I think I have talked enough, and I am not the one who has recently married."

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