35: Moving On

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"Finally, someone who was in that meeting with the Orenfior," Cezarya exclaims, speed-walking as fast as she can towards Zelphinon and me as we approach the North Gate. "Tell me everything. Now. Will the zaikarit be executed?"

"No, he will not, at least not yet," Zelphinon answers her. "Actually, the Orenfior is going to try to get the emissaries from our homeland an audience with the Yrivvior."

"You can't be serious."

"It makes sense, strategically," I point out. "Even if the zaikarit is a terrible person."

"And he is. The Orenfior made it quite clear that he shares that opinion," Zelphinon adds.

"That must have gone over well," Cezarya mutters sarcastically. "I'm so annoyed that I didn't get to go. Why did they call for only half our squadron?"

"Our Kazmiohni want us protecting the city whenever possible. They think quite highly of our abilities."

"So does the Orenfior, though. Do you think he or Kazmiohn Ruokharismet will win that argument?" I wonder aloud. Never in my wildest dreams have I ever considered serving as part of the personal guard for a city's ruler.

"Wait. What?" Cezarya inquires.

Zelphinon sighs and shoots me a look indicating he wishes I hadn't brought this up, but how could I not? That and Zelphinon's 'haunting' of the emissaries from Kedar-Jashun are all I can think about.

"The Orenfior was very impressed with the report he received of our squadron's abilities and conduct in regards to this mission to and from Kedar-Jashun, and has decided he would like to add our squadron to the fiorzhanim," Zelphinon explains wearily.

"That's crazy! I mean, I know we're good, but we're still so young, so inexperienced by comparison. Why would he show any interest in us?"

"He was impressed by the self-control it takes not to strangle the zaikarit and our mother, mostly."

"We can't be the only squadron blessed with such capabilities."

"But we might be the only squadron with the combination of that self-control and experience in battle against the Erivim," I mutter.

"All the more reason we should be working to defend the whole city, rather than one man."

"Kazmiohn Ruokharismet would agree with you wholeheartedly," Zelphinon assures his sister. "We left him negotiating with the Orenfior about where our squadron will serve."

"I expect our Kazmiohn will be at this gate shortly, to tell us what has been decided," Alderon interrupts, evidently having overheard enough of our conversation as he approached us to comment. A woman I haven't met before is with him, slender and nearly as tall as he is, with features so elegant they might well have been sculpted.

"Good of you to join us, brother," Cezarya greets him. "And Anzhelinskren Sazhmira. What a pleasant surprise."

"It is good to see you again, Cezarya, Zelphinon," Sazhmira replies, smiling at each of them. "And I don't believe I've met you," she adds when her eyes meet mine.

"Enniskzar Azerai," I introduce myself briefly.

"Oh! It's such a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. You were quite ill recently, no? Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, thank you." Why should she have heard anything about me?

"Sazhmira and I often take our midday meal together," Alderon says by way of explanation.

"Once or twice in a half-moon is often, in your mind?" Sazhmira teases him.

"Far more often than was possible while I was away."

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