52: A Chance to Speak

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Firogai and Nevinrul are here?! I can hardly believe it. Every ounce of self-control I have is suddenly committed to keeping me within the bounds of professionalism, but seeing my friends and former firohn brings a huge smile to my face, even so.

I did not realize how much I missed them.

"Welcome to Orenxiao," the Yrivvior greets the group from Andelxiao solemnly, and they all bow to him in response.

"We are honored to have the opportunity to serve you in this way," Firohn Tanarin speaks for all of them.

"Such pleasantries are unnecessary from you, Firohn. To my knowledge, your service to Yrivvenna has always been exemplary."

"You honor me too much, Your Imperial Majesty."

"To the contrary, I think you have been honored but too little for your contributions to Yrivvenna's safety and well-being. How many of your former students are now Andelzhanim who fought the Erivim in the great battle a few moons ago?"

"More than I can count, Your Imperial Majesty," Firohn Tanarin admits after a pause laden with consideration.

"And these two who serve today among the Viorzhanim are also your graduates, are they not? I know you recognize them."

"Recent graduates, in fact. And these two also know them well." He gestures to Firogai and Nevinrul. "If it please Your Imperial Majesty—"

"We can grant them a few moments without the strictures of protocol, if you will tell me of the teaching methods you employ that make the Andelxiao Academy the best in Yrivvenna."

"I am yours to command, Yrivvior."

The Yrivvior nods to Zelphinon and me before stepping to the side with Firohn Tanarin. In the next instant, Firogai and I are sharing a quick hug.

"It's so good to see you! It's been too long!" she exclaims.

"Congratulations to you, and to you, Nevinrul," I smile as we pull apart. Zelphinon and Nevinrul are nearby, apparently amused by Firogai and me. "You graduated early?"

Firogai nods. "Another round of early exams was held a couple days after the courier from Orenxiao arrived. And we got married two days later, right before the group was to depart for Orenxiao. Everything has been a whirlwind. I'm sorry there wasn't enough time to invite you—"

"I am in no way offended. Just happy for you both, and glad to see you again. You volunteered to serve in Kedar-Jashun?"

"Not exactly. Firohn Tanarin was told that Cezarya and Jorabij did, though, and that their spots in their squadron would need to be filled, and the Kazmiohni here requested replacements 'from the same tree'—"

"So you will be Orenzhanim with us!"

"Are you not...Viorzhanim?"

"For today, and sometimes Fiorzhanim, but most often Orenzhanim."

"Because of her skill as a military strategist," Zelphinon adds, bringing clarity to Firogai's and Nevinrul's confused expressions.

"You must all be weary from your long journey," the Yrivvior addresses the courtyard loudly, effectively terminating our conversation. Zelphinon and I take this as a cue to depart from our friends—Firogai mouths something about 'catching up later' to me as I go—and return to flanking the Yrivvior even as he continues to speak. "My attendants will escort you to rooms where you may rest and take refreshment prior to our ceremonies this afternoon. On behalf of all Yrivvenna, I thank you for your service and the sacrifices you have made and are making on her behalf."

Our guests from Andelxiao applaud the Yrivvior, and he enjoys this for a moment or two before retreating into the palace. I am mildly surprised that Firohn Tanarin is not accompanying us, but at this moment it is not for me to question, only to follow the Yrivvior.

"The two of you are quite intuitive, anticipating needs as you do," the Yrivvior addresses Zelphinon and me once the palace doors close behind us.

"We are here to serve, Your Imperial Majesty," Zelphinon replies. "It would not be honorable to do so with less than the fullest extent of our abilities."

The Yrivvior chuckles, which is not a response I was expecting. "An interesting notion, and one I wish was more...prevalent. Tell me truly, before we return to that room, how you think we are progressing."

"You...are interested in our opinions?"

"I find it most instructive for a man in my position to listen to the voices of those who are typically silenced in certain circles, particularly those with insights and experience the members of those certain circles tend to lack."

Zelphinon and I exchange glances. Something about this feels too good to be true, but at the same time, how can we refuse the Yrivvior?

"I think it was most wise to include this particular Sozunkarit, Your Imperial Majesty," Zelphinon says slowly after a few moments of uncomfortable silence.

"And many of the salori wish we had not invited him. But I believe we would be lost, or at least less effective, without him."

"If you will permit me, Your Imperial Majesty, from what I know of the Sozunkaritim, we are most fortunate that it was this particular one who came for this project."

Curiosity burns inside of me. What, exactly, are Sozunkaritim, and what does Zelphinon know of them? But I cannot ask him, not here, not now. I still find it hard to believe that we have been asked to speak at all, that the Yrivvior might be interested in our opinions.

"You are from Kedar-Jashun, are you not, Zelphinon?"

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."

"But you have not volunteered to go there, as part of this aid for your homeland to fight the Erivim."

"I have no place there, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Interesting." The Yrivvior strokes his beard thoughtfully, then turns to me. "You have been very quiet, Azerai."

"I wanted to thank you, Your Imperial Majesty, for the chance to speak with our friends," I tell him, half heartfelt—he certainly didn't have to give us such a chance—and half buying time to get my thoughts in a more coherent order. "And I am also glad that this Sozunkarit is here. I did not know...such leaders exist in Kedar-Jashun. And I think that, as we place our volunteers, we must be more concerned about whether the tribes will accept them than whether the volunteers will accept their positions. The volunteers are already willing to serve, but I know not how the tribes will feel about...what we are doing."

"Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Your Imperial Majesty, but I think they will be willing to give our strategy a try, out of desperation to defeat the Erivim," Zelphinon assures me. "Azerai is not wrong, though, that it would serve us best to promote the interests above the tribes above all else as we determine how to implement our plan."

"The Sozunkarit feels much the same way. I suppose what remains for us, or rather, for me, is to convince the salori of the sense in our deliberations," the Yrivvior muses. For the first time, I feel like he might resent the salori in some way, more than likely because their self-interested ambitions interfere with their duty to serve as advisors to the Yrivvior.

I wish I could be of much use to him in the task he has identified for himself, but the salori already resent me, and I am not permitted to speak in the assembly beyond notes to the Yrivvior. I do not envy him his power or his position.

"We are here to support you however we can," Zelphinon speaks for both of us. I am glad that he is here, glad that no one asked me to serve here alone.

"Then let us begin the second round of negotiations."

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