73: Power to Give

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I spring out of bed and stumble to my bedroom door, snatching a couple of knives off a small table on the way. What's the emergency? Are we under attack? I fling the door open to reveal Thariyae, wide-eyed and disturbed as though she's seen a ghost.

"Thariyae, what's the matter? Is something amiss—"

"No. At least, I don't think so. Sorry, I just.... There's people at the door for you, to escort you to the Imperial Compound. They said wear your Viorzhanim dress uniform, and make haste," she explains apologetically.

"The celebration of our victory isn't until midday, is it?" I ask as I withdraw into my room to get dressed as instructed. Thariyae follows me.

"That's true, but I guess you're wanted for some sort of meeting before that. Nothing bad, I would guess."

"But who will help you and Krethzirae get ready?"

"I was told someone would be coming from Ansohnya Avizhaisken for us. Don't fret about it. You've taken great care of us since the battle. Honestly, I'm impressed. I didn't think you had it in you to be any sort of healer."

"You know I'll do anything for the people I care about."

Thariyae chuckles humorlessly. "This city has no concept of your kind of loyalty. But thank you. Here, let me help with your hair."

"Thariyae, I do this every day—"

"And you never do yourself justice."

"Warriors don't need to look pretty."

"Today you are not a warrior. You are the first woman in Yrivvenna's recorded history to serve as a military strategist, and your ideas have won Orenxiao a great victory. Today, of all days, let them all see you as a woman." She finishes securing Zelphinon's valix into my hair with a flourish.

"...Thank you. This looks much better than anything I can do myself."

"Think nothing of it. Go. They're waiting for you outside."

"I'll see you at the celebration, then."

Thariyae just waves me off and goes to Krethzirae's room while I open the front door of our barracks unit, revealing Kazmiohn Meskaiavin, Zelphinon, and Alderon.

That's why Thariyae looked so rattled.

"Ah, good. Thank you for making ready so quickly," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin greets me.

"Is there some emergency, or—" I begin.

"No, nothing of the sort. The Yrivvior would like to speak with each of you about rewards for your...exceptional service two days ago. Let us make haste. He wants to have these meetings finished well before the celebration at midday."

"As you wish." And so we start walking towards the Yrivvior's palace, Zelphinon and I a little behind the other two. After only a few steps, our fingers entangle as if of their own accord.

"How are your roommates doing?" he asks.

"Better, I think. Krethzirae's a bit frustrated with not being allowed to walk, and both of them still have a fair bit of pain from the wounds, but that's to be expected," I reply. "How is your family?"

"We're...doing all right, I think. Yesterday Alderon and Cezaiya had shorter shifts than usual, and Ansohnya Avizhaisken let me leave early. Alderon and I have decided that we're going to try to get rid of that house as soon as we can."

"It will be good to start fresh."

"These meetings with the Yrivvior could give us what we need to do so."

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