74: Humbled

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"Well? How did it go?" Zelphinon asks me the instant I come back through the ornate door into the sitting area.

"Fine," I force a smile, even though I know he'll see right through it.

His eyes narrow as I take the seat next to him. "What happened?"

"It's just...always a struggle to convince people that I honestly don't want a reward." Please just let it go. I don't want to tell him the whole truth until after he's had his own conference with the Yrivvior. His temper doesn't need to be part of that meeting.

"Did they ask for either of us to come in?" Alderon inquires.

"No. The Yrivvior is still discussing some things with Kazmiohn Meskaiavin. I'm sure they'll send for one of you as soon as they get everything sorted out. How have you been amusing yourselves while I've been...in there?"

"Mostly just discussing what we'll ask for when our turns come."


"We've been given a great opportunity. We would be foolish not to take advantage of it."

"I think, Brother, of the three of us, you have the most to gain from this," Zelphinon posits. Alderon arches an eyebrow but does not reply. Thariyae. No question, he will ask for the rank and so on that he needs for Thariyae's family to deem him acceptable. Did he say anything to her about it this morning? Does he know how her parents reacted to that wound on her face? I could ask, but I won't, not now. The less we say about my meeting with the Yrivvior, the better.

"What do you think the celebration will be like?" I ask. I couldn't care less about the celebration, but it's the only logical thing I can think to bring up to change the subject.

"Probably just a lot of speech-making," Alderon replies dismissively.

"If they have any sense, a large meal will be involved," Zelphinon mutters.

"Oh, without question, there will be food. They have to honor everyone who acquitted themselves admirably, servants and warriors and healers alike."

"Not alike. Or we wouldn't be here," I mumble.

"Not everyone dragged the Yrivvior and the Yrivvilon out of harm's way. We're here for good reason."

"If we hadn't, others of our comrades would have. We were just doing our duty."

"Are you saying we don't deserve the rewards they're offering us?"

"Whether or not we deserve it, I personally don't want it."

"Do you want to stay in Orenxiao, Azerai?" Zelphinon inquires suddenly.

"What...brought that on?"

"Because everything here is about status and social climbing. And you have no interest in such things."

"Zelphinon.... It doesn't matter where I live. As long as I'm with the people I care about." As long as I'm with you. "Where...would you want to go instead?"

"Back to Andelxiao, was my thought. But it would probably be difficult to get our whole squadron transferred again. And some of our goals are at cross purposes." He glances sideways at Alderon, who steadfastly ignores him.

At that moment, Kazmiohn Meskaiavin opens the door to the Yrivvior's private room. "Zelphinon, the Yrivvior will see you now."

"We'll...talk about this more later, then," Zelphinon smiles as he rises from his seat and follows Kazmiohn Meskaiavin into the room for his private meeting with the Yrivvior.

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