14: Departure

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"You're here early," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin greets Krethzirae, Thariyae, and me as we approach the North Gate. It is early, or at least, earlier than our usual shift start time; not even a hint of dawn is visible in the sky above Orenxiao.

"Didn't want a surprise visit from my mother this morning," Thariyae mutters darkly. She's never been much of a morning person, and she was up late last night. Her parents did not receive her news about our newest work assignment well.

"She's not delighted that you've been assigned to a traveling security detail?" Kazmiohn Meskaiavin's tone indicates that he might have known ahead of time what Salora Verathriya's reaction to this assignment would be, and that a little bit of the reason for sending us to Kedar-Jashun might be to annoy her. "It's considered an honor by most, to be trusted so much. I would have thought she'd be thrilled."

"Harder to arrange a marriage for me when I'm 'gallivanting about in the wilderness with some no-account traders,' in her words."

The Kazmiohn strokes his well-groomed beard, considering. "Probably true. But you're young yet. She has plenty of time to fuss over such trivialities."

"Don't remind me." If looks could kill, our Kazmiohn would likely be dead. He seems entirely unruffled by Thariyae's less than respectful behavior, however.

"We are honored," Krethzirae asserts, gesturing mostly to herself and me as she tries to restore good humor. "And I, at least, am excited to travel."

"Traveling is a unique privilege. But you should know that no journey is undertaken without risks, in this day and age," the Kazmiohn cautions. "We have received many reports of Erivim activity in Kedar-Jashun and along this trade route in particular."

A cold knot of grim dread settles firmly in my midsection. "I assure you, Kazmiohn, we are well equipped to handle such threats," I tell him with more confidence than I feel. While I know my squadron is very capable of dealing with the Erivim, after the interrogations in Andelxiao, I am no longer quite certain that killing them is my preferred solution to the problems they present. Still, if they instigate a conflict with us, I have no doubt that we will emerge victorious.

"Yes, your squadron is uniquely positioned in that respect as well as linguistic skill." This, too, factored into his decision to send our squadron on this mission, I have no doubt. However, Santhrobar, Jorabij, Zevaklin, and Mailadui have now arrived, along with a cluster of traders and merchants, and the Kazmiohn's attention has thus been diverted elsewhere.

"I wonder what's keeping the Umathyari," Krethzirae whispers to me as we watch the traders and merchants begin to assemble their caravan.

"Their mother, I'd wager," I reply in kind. "This is much earlier than she prefers to rise, from what I've been told."

"The warrior's lifestyle will likely be most unpleasant for her. She'll have to keep the same hours as the rest of us on this journey, I would think."

"Aye, she'll likely be miserable, and that will make things more unpleasant for us."

'Do you think she'll be pleased about the destination, at least? I don't know if I can take it if she gripes the way she did on the journey from Andelxiao."

I grimace at the reminder. "I know not what her feelings on the matter of our destination might be." On the one hand, I know she misses Kedar-Jashun; in the rare event that she seems to be in a pleasant temper, she is waxing nostalgic about her homeland. On the other hand, her tribe kicked her out, and she has many dreadful memories from that place. "You might ask her yourself. Here they come."

I can already hear Ansohnya Umathyar grousing about something as she and her offspring come up the boulevard towards us. Alderon, Cezarya, and Zelphinon all wear near-identical expressions of exasperation.

"I'd rather bash my own head in," Krethzirae mutters, barely loud enough to hear. It takes all my willpower to keep a straight face.

"Well then. It looks like everyone is here," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin smiles tightly with a meaningful glance at the gradually lightening sky. Other Orenzhanim are gathering to receive their shift assignments from the North Gate's resident Vokazmiohn. We're running behind our Kazmiohn's intended schedule, that much is plain. "Santhrobar and Alderon will serve as the commanders of your squadron for the duration of this venture. They will report to Vensimir, the lead trader of this caravan. Vensimir, it is my pleasure to present Squadron 317, your assigned security detail."

Vensimir steps out of a group of traders that continues hurriedly loading goods into a cart without their leader. He is of average height, thin and wiry, sharp-featured. Something about him, as he surveys us critically, tells me that he's very cunning and trustworthy only to those he considers friends.

"Young group you got here, Kazmiohn," he comments, clearly fishing for an explanation.

"Aye, but all have tried their blades against Erivim before, and three of them speak the Kedar-Jashun dialect."

"Why the extra civilian?"

"An additional interpreter."

"She best not cause any trouble. You travel with me and my men, you earn your keep, understand?" Vensimir addresses Ansohnya Umathyar contemptuously. She glares at him with surprise.

"Vhat you vant I do, besides translate?" she asks, matching his tone.

"Do you cook?"

"Of course I cook. Any self-respecting voman hoping for husband, and meaning to keep husband, must cook."

"No husband for you here, but you'll cook for me and my men. The squadron, too, if they wish it."

"No need, Ansohn," Mailadui interjects timidly. "I cook for us, when we travel." We discovered on our journey from Andelxiao to Orenxiao that Mailadui's culinary talents are borderline supernatural.

"Very well. Any of you fighters hunt?"

"Yes, Ansohn," Cezarya, Alderon, Zelphinon, and I volunteer. I'm a little surprised that more of our squadron doesn't.

"Excellent. That'll supplement the rations nicely. Santhrobar and Alderon, assign your subordinates to their guard positions for the first leg of the journey. Ansohnya, I get the feeling you're not looking to walk this trip. Let's see if I can squeeze you into a cart. We're already behind schedule. Get moving."

Vensimir --> VEHN-see-meer

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