48: Old Orenxiao

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"Good morning, Zelphinon, Azerai," the Orenfior greets us from his verandah as we approach his mansion.

"Good morning, Your Excellency," we reply, surprised enough by this breach in routine to be out of sync with one another.

"I'm sure you're very curious about what today holds for you, given this unconventional start." He seems almost gleeful, which is unsettling, to say the least.

"Naturally," Zelphinon answers briefly. He tends to have little patience for the Orenfior's more exuberant moods.

"Today is Community Day for the Orenxiao Academy, and the Yrivvior has approved your plans for the defense of the eastern side of the city. We will be going to the East Gate and then to Old Orenxiao to supervise the construction efforts on your wall and to make adjustments to the overall plan as needed. I am sure, Azerai, that once you have explored Old Orenxiao, you will have more ideas."

"Your Excellency is most gracious, to entrust us with this," I respond, breathless with excitement. Zelphinon and I have both been hoping to explore Old Orenxiao since the first time we saw it, but to have a sanctioned visit is more than I, at least, dared hope for.

"It is no more than you deserve. And keep in mind, my expectations for your work today are exceedingly high." A few other Fiorzhanim emerge from the mansion, as does the Orenfior's retinue of advisors. "Is this everyone? Very good. Let us be on our way. Azerai, Zelphinon, I want you flanking me."

We move to our assigned positions obediently, although both of us are somewhat perplexed; normally we serve as rear guard when we accompany the Orenfior. However, I do not mind in the slightest; perhaps, if the Orenfior deigns to speak first, this will be an opportunity to get to know him better, and better understand this city.

"The two of you did uncommonly well at court, a few days ago," the Orenfior compliments after a few moments of walking in silence charged with anticipation. "I was most pleased."

"I am glad that we have pleased you, Your Excellency, although in the future perhaps it would not be too much to ask for a warning of what you had planned," Zelphinon responds before I can gather my thoughts. I'm legitimately surprised he's chosen to fight this battle, although it was one I was seriously considering undertaking myself.

"You may ask, but I will not promise to do so. Honestly, you far exceeded my expectations for how you would perform under unexpected pressure."

"We are professionals and warriors, Your Excellency. To have done worse would have been dishonorable and a discredit to the Orenzhanim," I reply coolly.

"There we will have to disagree. You could have done without negotiating with the Yrivvior with no damage to your honor, and yet to me that was the most impressive part of the day."

"Had I known how my actions could be perceived by the salori, I would have been much more inclined to hold my tongue."

"You cannot be afraid of those nasty, small-minded gossips," the Orenfior tells me firmly, his tone turning from congenial to deadly serious. "Yes, there will be rumors, but your talents and insights might well save us all, and I never would have thrust you into the Yrivvior's sight if you had even an ounce of the selfish ambition so prevalent in Orenxiao. The rumors will die out if you do not feed them, but your gifts are not to be wasted."

"I take you at your word, Your Excellency. And...thank you."

The Orenfior nods briefly, as though my thanks are simply a matter of course, and turns his attention to Zelphinon. "And how is your training as a healer going?"

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