13: Unexpected

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"Squadron 317. A word," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin commands as I approach the West Gate at the end of my last patrol for the day. That's my squadron. I wonder what he wants. I'm not in any mood for a scolding or extra work. Training has been more intense than usual the past few days, and Thariyae kept Krethzirae and me up late last night griping about her family dinner; evidently the first suitor her mother invited to dine with them was absolutely unbearable in every imaginable way. Still, my squadron and I quickly gather before our commanding officer, tired but duty-bound and, admittedly, rather curious.

"We are yours to command, Kazmiohn," Santhrobar answers for all of us. Our Kazmiohn raises an eyebrow, as though this is not simply a customary response to his command for our attention.

"We have a trading caravan making ready to depart tomorrow for Kedar-Jashun. Unlike most of our trading caravans, none of its traders are fluent in the dialect of that region. Accordingly, we have been asked to provide them with a security detail that can compensate for this weakness. Your squadron stands out as the most obvious choice."

"Let it be as you wish it, Kazmiohn." Santhrobar is wise to speak for all of us at this juncture; Zelphinon looks ready to protest, Alderon seems less than pleased, and Cezarya is trying very hard to hide her excitement from her brothers.

"How long will we be on this journey, do you think?" Thariyae questions. "I will have to inform my family of my absence. I'm sure Kazmiohn Ruokharismet informed you—"

"Yes, yes. Equal parts irritating and amusing, your predicament," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin interrupts dismissively. "We cannot be sure how long the journey will take. You will be escorting the traders back to Orenxiao when they have concluded their business. The amount of time you spend on this mission depends on the speed of travel, interruptions along the way, how long it takes them to finish their trading, possible interference from weather or disruptions to the usual routes..."

"Duly noted," Thariyae mutters.

"In that case, we will have to request that our mother comes along as an additional interpreter," Alderon sighs heavily. "She will not be able to function in this city without at least one of her offspring. She is unfamiliar with the area and the customs here, and rather unwilling to learn or take care of herself. She will cause you nothing but grief and irritation if she does not travel with us."

"And she will cause us nothing but grief and irritation if she does come with us," Zelphinon mutters.

"What are you going to do about it? It's not like she'd be willing to let you stay to take care of her," Cezarya points out.

"Which is extremely unfortunate, because I have no interest in going anywhere near Kedar-Jashun and would take on less pleasant tasks to get out of this mission."

"I did not realize that returning to your homeland was such a...contentious issue," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin remarks. "If I had another squadron with more than one member from Kedar-Jashun, or any members who spoke more than basic pleasantries and essentials of their dialect, I would send them instead. But I do not."

"Kazmiohn, it is no exaggeration to say that if we meet up with our former tribe, there are people there who want me dead," Zelphinon argues.

Kazmiohn Meskaiavin's eyebrows threaten to fly off his face. "For what reason?"

"A...misunderstanding that got carried to extremes several years ago," Alderon replies tactfully before Zelphinon can speak for himself. "In the unlikely event that we did connect with our former tribe, I'm sure we would be able to resolve any issues diplomatically."

"...Very well then. I expect there will be no issues. And if it should come to blows, well, I expect you know how to handle yourselves."

I smile grimly in response, as do most of my colleagues. We all know how deadly we can be in battle, and how completely we could devastate a civilian force if we were left with no options besides violence.

"I will grant your request, that your mother travel with you," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin continues with a heavy sigh. "If it is as you say, I am not willing to shoulder that burden for you in your absence, and I think it better to have too many interpreters than too few."

"She is certainly the most fluent in the Kedar-Jashun dialect, of the four of us," Alderon asserts helpfully. The whole squadron rewards him with withering glances.

"Do any of the rest of us get a say in that?" Zevaklin inquires.

"There's really no room to debate this. Your squadron is the one Kazmiohn Ruokharismet and I have determined is most suited, out of all the squadrons in Orenxiao, for this mission. You will all report to the North Gate at dawn. Rations and bedrolls will be provided. Make whatever other arrangements you may need to now, while there is still a bit of daylight. Dismissed." He strides swiftly away, cloak billowing behind him. Squadron 317 dissolves into grumbling.

"My mother will be anything but pleased," Thariyae huffs.

"At least this way you'll get to skip a few of the dinners," Krethzirae points out with forced brightness.

"Unbelievable," Zelphinon glowers. "Of all the places to be sent—"

"Maybe it won't be so bad," Cezarya suggests with more cheer than I would recommend, under the circumstances.

"Your optimism might be misplaced, sister," Alderon chides gently. "I think our best hope for a positive outcome is to meet with a tribe that is not the one we once called home, and to convince our mother to stay in Kedar-Jashun."

"Abandon her?"

"Not exactly. But if we can convince her to remarry, or if another tribe treats widows better—"

"You can't be serious."

"What if we do run into our former tribe?" Zelphinon hisses.

"Anyone who wants a chance to execute you will have to fight me for the privilege," I suggest coolly.

"They're not going to see you as a threat," Cezarya points out.

"I know that. I imagine that watching one or two of their champions lose to me will remedy that circumstance."

Zelphinon smiles briefly, which startles both of his siblings. "I like this plan," he asserts.

"Just don't kill anyone," Alderon relents. "I don't know how we'll handle it if they want to execute both of you for demonic possession."

"Let them try. We have yet to be defeated on a team together."

"This is a terrible idea," Cezarya snaps. "We should leave both of you here."

"Kazmiohn says the whole squadron goes," I remind her. "But I'm not planning to kill anyone. In the event that we have to use this plan, we will simply have to make it very clear that they ought not to start fights they can't finish."

Alderon nods ominously. "We should all begin our preparations. Let's go tell our mother that she gets to go home."

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