57: On Horseback

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"Has this training always been this intense?" I ask Cezarya, trying and failing to hide how tired I am. My squadron, along with a few others, has been brought into the Kedar-Jashun volunteer training for the day, and Cezarya has been giving me a crash course in horsemanship.

Cezarya snickers at my expense, which I expected; she's in an incredibly good mood today, likely because she is getting married this evening. "It started out a little easier. But a lot of the volunteers have been struggling from the beginning. Honestly, you've taken to this pretty well, for someone who's never been on a horse before. You'll definitely be sore tomorrow, though."

"I never doubted that." I cast a wary glance towards the canopy that shades Sozunkarit Gymaraelshek and Firohn Tanarin from the hot afternoon sun. "I just hope no one gets any ideas about volunteering me to go to Kedar-Jashun."

"They won't send you. Trust me. The Kazmiohni want to keep their strategist close."

"Have you spoken much with them?"

"No. But the Sozunkarit asked me about you, when it came out in my interview with him that we were in the same squadron. It seems you've made quite the impression."

"Surely there are more interesting things we can talk about, today of all days."

"What, you mean, tonight? Oh, I'm sure it will be wonderful. I'm most excited to spend the night away from my mother."

"And with Jorabij?"

Cezarya blushes and abruptly wheels her horse around, a maneuver I copy clumsily. I'm sure my mount hates me at this point.

"Excited and nervous," she admits without moving her lips. "Let's get back to weapons on horseback."

"Any reason I can't just throw knives up here?"

"Oh, you absolutely can—when your enemies are far away. Your aim with throwing knives is more than good enough for that. But when your opponents are close, like this—" A clash of metal on metal terminates her sentence as she suddenly swings her katana at me, which I barely manage to block with one of my knives. My horse takes off, having seized a moment when I was distracted by combat to try to escape from my no doubt irksome attempts at horsemanship, and it's all I can do to stay in the saddle. I hear the thundering of hooves behind me and have no doubt that Cezarya is in hot pursuit.

"Easy, easy," I tell my horse, trying to project an aura of calm to get the horse back under control as I shift my weight back and pull on the reins. To my surprise, this works, and my mount slows down somewhat, allowing me to turn to face Cezarya again. Her katana is raised for an attack. I don't typically use mine one-handed, but I've learned my lesson about letting go of the reins for even a second earlier today, and so I draw my katana with my right hand and brace myself for impact.

"HAVE OFF, VILLAIN! THE LADY IS MINE!" Jorabij shouts, and I barely pull my horse out of the way as he rides his own horse, running at a full gallop, between Cezarya and me. He seems completely at home on horseback, which I did not expect; didn't he grow up in Andelxiao? Do they even have horses in Andelxiao?

In the moments I've been marvelling at his equestrian skill, he's expertly swept Cezarya off of her horse and onto the back of his own saddle, her katana clattering to the ground in the process. He barely even slowed down to do this, and she's clinging to him for dear life but seems to be enjoying every second of it. What in the world is going on? I look to Sozunkarit Gymaraelshek and Firohn Tanarin for answers, but they seem to be in on whatever's happening, as they're looking on with smiles and laughter.

More hooves rapidly approach as my horse prances nervously beneath me, having picked up on my confusion. I turn to see Zelphinon, on horseback, charging towards me on a collision course. Do I fight? Flee? My katana is already out. Might as well try to meet him for battle. Is this a part of the training? I wonder as I urge my horse towards him, though I know I have little hope of matching him like this. He rides as well as any Kedar-Jashun native I've seen, despite his long absence from the region and his refusal to keep any traditions from his homeland.

Closer and closer we ride, but as our horses come side by side, he knocks my katana out of my hand and wraps his arm around my waist in one motion, pulling me off of my horse. I find myself helping him lift me onto the back of his saddle; the alternative is to fall to the ground and risk getting trampled, which I've already had my fill of for the day.

"Join me for a ride through town," he invites me with a smirk, as though he isn't already carrying me away from training on horseback.

"I thought invitations were supposed to come before the departure?" I ask breathlessly.

"Not when we have a wedding to get to."

"Oh. Is that... what?"

"Jorabij has collected his bride. He asked me to collect you to help her get ready."

"Is this how weddings are done in Kedar-Jashun?"

"I thought it was just how weddings were done."

"Well. When you don't have horses, it looks a little different." When a cousin of mine got married a couple years ago, back in Kennakara, the groom and his friends came to her house the morning of their wedding and presented her sisters with gifts for his bride. When the sisters were finally satisfied with the gifts and let the bride out of the house to meet her groom, he swept her off her feet and carried her in his arms down the street to his family's home, where the rest of the festivities took place.

"I forgot about that minor detail. You've handled this quite well, then, for someone who had no idea what was happening."

"Thank you."

"Have you ridden a horse before today?"

"No. Today was the first time."

"You've taken to it like a natural, then."

"Maybe we should volunteer to serve in Kedar-Jashun—"

"Not even for you would I agree to that."

"Then I suppose it is for the best that I have no desire to serve there, either."

"Most fortunate for both of us. Ah, here we are." He pulls his mount to a clattering halt in front of the Orenfior's mansion. Jorabij's horse is already tethered outside. Like the gentleman he is, Zelphinon helps me to the ground before dismounting himself. My legs barely support me, more than likely a product of all the riding today. "Cezarya's room is the second door on the right side of the hallway immediately to the left of the entry. I'm told Krethzirae has made sure you have an appropriate change of clothes in there, as well. Firohn Tanarin will come retrieve you when it's time."

"He's part of the wedding?"

"Jorabij and Cezarya both insisted on it, since he was already in Orenxiao, and he was only too happy to take part."

"I am glad for them. They deserve the honor." I cannot help but wonder if we will be so fortunate, if and when our turn for a marriage ceremony comes. Zelphinon's eyes meet mine, and the look in them makes my insides melt and renders me dangerously unsteady on my feet. Has he been thinking the same things? Was the mounted kidnapping from our training meant as practice for our own special day?

He takes my arm solicitously, as if to steady me, and we walk together to the Orenfior's front door. "I wish we had the time to talk more. Perhaps afterward." We pause in the entryway, and he slowly releases my arm, trailing his hand down to my wrist and lifting it to brush the back of my hand with his lips. "I will see you at the ceremony."

I'm practically floating as we go our separate ways to help the bride and the groom get ready, partially because I can barely feel my overexerted legs and partly from the lingering tingles of his touch. If this is how he has planned things for us at his sister's wedding, what surprises might be in store if and when we have our own?

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