30: The Orenzhanim

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"How is your mother handling house arrest?" I ask Zelphinon as we fall in step with one another. We've been assigned to the same afternoon patrol today, which I count as a blessing.

Zelphinon grimaces at the question. "As well as you might expect. Alderon actually bars the doors from the outside to make sure she stays home while we're at work. She only really speaks to Cezarya anymore, and even then it's only to complain."

"I'm sure Cezarya loves that."

"She's told our mother more than once that it's her own fault she's in this situation and that if she ever wants to be let out of it, she needs to look to her own behavior."

"I'm sure that went over well."

"If by 'went over well,' you mean 'fell on deaf ears,' then yes, absolutely."

"I am so sorry. Is there anything I can—"

"No. If there was, I'd tell you. Even though I think you've done too much for us already."

"My being shackled to her during our journey back home did no one any favors."

"It spared the rest of the squadron that fate for a while, for one thing. And honestly...I think she's developed a grudging respect for you because of that."

"Really?" If anyone other than Zelphinon suggested this, I would reject the idea out of hand.

"I overheard her say to Cezarya that...how did she word it... 'zat Azerai, she is maybe more stubborn even zan you and your brozers.'"

"Near perfect impression of her. Well done."

A quick smile flashes across his face. "Thank you. I guess I've learned something valuable from her, after all."

"Azerai! Azerai, do not valk avay from me!" an unmistakable Kedar-Jashun accented voice calls behind us. Our entire patrol group turns as one to see the zaikarit who traveled to Orenxiao, accompanied by two of the Molongun fighters, approaching us as quickly as he can in his long, billowing robes.

"Honorable zaikarit, I am on duty. This is most improper," I respond, half surprised that it's taken him this long to hunt me down—it's been a half moon since we returned to Orenxiao—and half surprised that he dared to do so at all.

"Most improper is failing to fulfill your promise to us! Vhen ve vill see Yrivvior?"

"You're gonna have to walk and talk," our patrol leader, Amrhion, commands. The rest of the group and I comply immediately. The zaikarit huffs indignantly, then hoists his robes and scrambles to catch up with us again.

"I promised I would speak to our Kazmiohni on your behalf, and I did so the morning after we arrived in Orenxiao. I told you from the start that this was all I have the power to do for you," I remind the zaikarit coolly.

"And vhat Kazmiohni say?"

"Did you not get the letter he sent to you?"

"Aye, but I vant to know vhat he say to you."

"He indicated that they would speak to the Yrivvior when they had a chance, but that the Yrivvior is very busy and it might take some time."

"Just repeating vhat letter say, and ve have been vaiting too long. Zis is an outrage! You take me to Kazmiohni right now—" The zaikarit makes the mistake of trying to grab my arm, and Zelphinon intervenes, grabbing the zaikarit's offending arm and twisting it behind his back painfully enough to make the zaikarit stop speaking.

"You will not lay a finger on the lady," he warns before releasing the zaikarit.

"Vhat is it to you, murder child? Your uncle may have acqvitted you, but some of us know ze truuf—"

"If you do not want me to go to our Kazmiohni once more and ask them not to bring your petition before the Yrivvior at all, you will never speak of that again," I interrupt, matching Zelphinon's tone.

"I think we've had quite enough of this interruption of our daily duties," Amrhion intervenes, placing himself between the zaikarit and the rest of the patrol group. "Take it up with the Kazmiohni yourself, if this issue is of such pressing urgency to you. Kazmiohn Meskaiavin's office is near the South Gate, and Kazmiohn Ruokharismet's office is near the North Gate."

"Zey vill not meet vit us. Ve have tried," one of the fighters explains, having the grace to look somewhat embarrassed on the zaikarit's behalf.

"Then I suppose you will just have to wait. If you do not depart from us now, I will report you for disruption of on-duty Orenzhanim, which will likely ruin your chances of meeting with the Yrivvior at all."

To my surprise and relief, after a few moments of a stare-down between Amrhion and the zaikarit, the three Molongun back down and slink away down a nearby alley. I release a breath I hadn't realized I was holding once they disappear from sight.

"Carry on, everyone. We still have a patrol to finish," Amrhion reminds us, jolting the entire patrol group out of stunned inaction and back to our regularly scheduled duties.

"Is that the first time they've approached you?" Zelphinon asks me, his voice low and hard.

"Yes," I reply, taking his hand and squeezing it gently. "It's okay. I sort of thought something like this would happen eventually. I'm glad you were here when my suspicions came true, though."

"So am I. They have no business treating you, or anyone else, like that. It's not surprising, but it makes me angry every time."

"Are the two of you all right?" Amrhion inquires, dropping back in our formation to speak with us.

"Yes, thank you," I answer, and Zelphinon nods.

"Good. Word's gotten round through the Orenzhanim about all the business with these so-called emissaries from Kedar-Jashun. I just want you to know that we've all got your backs. No matter who you're assigned with, if something like this happens again, we all stand with you."

"Much appreciated, Amrhion. I hope your warning to them will be enough," Zelphinon responds.

"So do I, but they don't seem much like the type for listening to reason."

"They aren't. It's always been a problem."

"More their problem than anyone else's, now. They keep this up, they'll be thrown in prison or kicked out of the city. That kind of entitlement doesn't fly around here. We protect our own."

"And the city is stronger for it," I smile. It's the first time anyone outside of my squadron in the Orenzhanim has referred to me as 'one of their own.' Though I could do without the zaikarit's crazy expectations and demands, I am grateful for this incident. Now, for the first time in a long time, I have a place where I feel like I belong.

Amriohn --> AHM-ree-ōn

Of Love and Valorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें