75: Redemption

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"Thank you all for joining us today," the Yrivvior says grandly, commanding the attention of everyone present in the main courtyard of the Imperial Compound. It seems we have learned nothing about choice of location from the attacks two days ago, I gripe to myself. No one asked for my opinion on the matter, and I suppose it's one of the few defensible places that's also large enough to accommodate everyone who's been invited to today's celebration. The whole city is having something of a party, from what I can hear and smell wafting over the walls of the compound, but this gathering is specifically for people of rank and people of military distinction. The courtyard has been arranged and decorated much the same as it was for the ill-fated ceremonies of two days past, but for the notable absence of every person who revealed themself a traitor then, and this time there is no group of volunteers facing the platform; instead, all of the warriors present are interspersed with the salori and other persons of note.

On his platform at the center of the courtyard, the Yrivvior continues. "We have gathered here today both to complete our official business that was so rudely interrupted two days ago and to honor those who acquitted themselves admirably on that day to quell that interruption." An interruption? That's what we're calling it now? "First and foremost, I call forth the warriors who have volunteered to serve in Kedar-Jashun who have received their writs of commission."

All sixteen of them come to stand in front of the platform from their various positions around the courtyard. Not a one among them was among the traitors. May Heaven bless the shrewdness of Firohn Tanarin and Sozunkarit Gymaraelshek. Both of them are on the platform with the Yrivvior, smiling proudly at their charges.

"Ve are exceedingly proud to count you among ze varriors of Yrivvenna," Sozunkarit Gymaraelshek takes over. "As of zis moment, you are officially bound to ze tribes for vhich you haf received commissions. Congratulations, vunce again, to all of you!" Applause fills the courtyard as the volunteers, with Jorabij and Cezaiya at the center of the group, bow to Sozunkarit and the other important people on the platform with him.

"We invite you to stay for the rest of today's celebration before you depart for Kedar-Jashun," Kazmiohn Ruokharismet announces once the applause dissipates. "You all fought valiantly in this courtyard two days ago, and you should be honored for that. Just make sure to be at the North Gate at the mid-afternoon Orenzhanim shift change."

More bowing, more applause. I dislike ceremonies like this. But Cezaiya and Jorabij, at least, look the happiest I've seen them in a while. Good. They deserve to be happy.

As the applause dies down and the volunteers go back to their places in the gathered assembly, the Yrivvior speaks again. "As you are all well aware, what was meant to be the commissioning ceremony for these brave volunteers quickly turned into a dangerous situation when some of our warriors revealed themselves to be Erivim in disguise. At the same time, Orenxiao was attacked from the west by the Erivim and from the east by the Visserov. The resulting battles could well have been the end of Yrivvenna's sovereignty, as well as the end of many of us standing here today.

"However, thanks to the courage, quick thinking, and loyalty of many of you gathered here today, Orenxiao was victorious on all fronts two days ago. All of the traitors have been executed, and, while several of our brave warriors were injured, none of ours perished in that battle."

My breathe hitches as another outbreak of thunderous applause sweeps the courtyard. Not a single casualty. No warriors of Orenxiao who were not traitors perished in that battle. Thanks be to Heaven. Beside me, Zelphinon clasps my hand, offering his support as my heart threatens to beat out of my chest. Just please don't give me the credit for this.

"We would like to recognize first our servants, who improvised weapons and worked quickly to assure the safety of all of us who were evacuated into the palace when violence broke out," the Yrivvior goes on once the applause quells. "Even when one of the evacuees turned traitor, these brave souls saw to it that no one was hurt and that the dangerous person was removed. As a reward for your valiant service, each of you will receive, before you depart today, a basket of the finest food and drink at our disposal and a guarantee of seven days that you can take for yourselves, with full pay, whenever you see fit."

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