5: Strain

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"Azerai!" Zelphinon's voice calls to me from among the Orenzhanim as my patrol group approaches the West Gate. The gong has just rung and our patrol shift is over.

"Zelphinon," I reply as greeting once I find him in the crowd. "What news?"

"My patrol was uneventful. And yours?

"Much the same. How are your new lodgings?"

"Better than Andelxiao. My room is further from everyone else's, with roof access already installed."

"And your family?"

"Alderon and Cezarya seem at home."

I know better than to ask in more detail about their mother.

"What of you and your roommates?" he asks me.

"We are doing as well as can be expected." I don't want to go into detail here, with so many people around.

"Perhaps our next assignment will afford us more opportunity to converse," Zelphinon mutters, even as Kazmiohn Ruokharismet is calling for our attention.

"New transfers from the Andelzhanim," the Kazmiohn says, "head to the training grounds in the southwest quarter. I'll be there shortly to see what you can do."

"Yes, Kazmiohn," we answer in unison as we begin moving towards the training grounds. This city is much easier to navigate than Andelxiao, with its concentric circular layout. Andelxiao is not nearly as well organized, or if it is, no one ever explained it to me.

"Azerai! Zelphinon!" Cezarya yells behind us. "Wait for us!"

We obligingly wait for her and Alderon to join us. The rest of our squadron is also heading toward the training area, but they seem less interested in traveling as a unit.

"How were your patrols this morning?" I ask once they've joined us.

"Unremarkable," Alderon replies, "although I do like this city. The layout makes sense. It seems clean. Everything has a place, everyone knows their place."

"A little too ordered for my liking," Cezarya remarks pointedly. "I think if we'd come here instead of Andelxiao when we'd left home, there would have been no place for us."

"That may be." Alderon casts a glance at Zelphinon and me, then at his metal hand. "But now I think it will be a good home for us."

"Maybe, if Mother ever stops complaining about the move."

"Let's not mention her, please," Zelphinon requests. "We get the day away from her. I'd like to keep it that way."

"That's fair. I wanted to ask Azerai what it's like living with a traitor, anyway."

"Cezarya, please—" Alderon begins.

"If I may," I interrupt, then wait for Alderon's permission. He nods. "Thariyae is...quite acutely distressed. But Krethzirae and I will be fast friends, I think, through this arrangement."

"Why is Thariyae living with you, anyway? Her family lives here, in Orenxiao, right? I would have thought she would have liked to return to them, especially as well off as she always said they are." Cezarya's tone is bitter, biting. "She thought the Andelxiao Academy was a hovel when she first arrived. Did she tell you that?"

"She mentioned it once, yes. It's hard to comprehend, coming from where we came from. Seeing this city now, it makes more sense."

"Answer my question, Azerai. Why is she living with you?"

"She does not want to see her family."

"I find that hard to believe, as much as she seems to value—"

"She blames them, for what has happened. For taking from her—"

"Nothing was taken from her. She threw everything away herself."

"Cezarya. Do we have to do this now?" Alderon asks with exasperation. Every word she says hurts him, this much is plain. He still cares for Thariyae deeply, in spite of everything.

"Alderon, I need answers. I don't understand why you don't," Cezarya retorts before turning back to me. "Do you feel sorry for her? Owe her a favor? Agree with the decision she made?"

"I don't agree with her decision, and I owe her no favors. Whatever else she may be, she is still a member of our squadron. We are bound by our oaths of service to treat her as such. Leaving a teammate out in the cold is not something I can do, regardless of what that teammate may or may not deserve," I explain, careful to keep my tone as neutral as possible.

"Your sense of duty is admirable," Zelphinon compliments me, sending his sister a meaningful glance. "Someone likely would have had to help Thariyae somehow, if she is so bent on not seeing her family. We are fortunate—"

"Oh, stop. She never would have come to us," Cezarya snaps. "She can't look Alderon or me either one in the face, and you've never been the most approachable person. Plus, it'd take a truly crazy person to want to live with our...other roommate. Even she's not deranged enough for that."

"Please just let it go," Alderon entreats his sister. "I...would prefer to focus on whatever skills tests await us." The training grounds are in sight now, and I know he must be nervous about any sort of combat tests. He's made great progress with his prosthetic; he can eat with it and even write with it. However, adapting to using it in combat has been more of a challenge. His usual defensive strategies with his katana require more finesse than he's been able to achieve thus far with his metal hand.

"Brother, do not fret. I'm sure the kazmiohni know how short a time it's been since... And the progress you've made in that time is incredible."

"It's just frustrating. So much has been lost."

"Nothing that cannot be regained in time," Zelphinon assures his brother. He and Cezarya both have changed since Alderon was injured; they both seem to think that it is their turn to take care of him, after he took care of them for so long.

"Yoga until the Kazmiohn arrives?" I suggest as we step onto the training grounds. I had wanted to spend some time with Cezarya and with Zelphinon, but not like this. I look forward to being able to clear my mind of this latest unpleasantness.

"An excellent idea," Zelphinon agrees immediately. I don't wait for anyone else's approval before beginning my sun salutation. Everything except the rhythm of my own breathing fades away somewhere in the dancing warrior sequence. My body seems to move without my brain telling it what to do. Breathe in...breathe out. Breathe in....

"Diligent warriors, I see. Excellent form," Kazmiohn Ruokharismet remarks, interrupting my meditative handstand scorpion pose. I manage to hold the pose despite the break in my concentration. "Let's all gather together and discuss—"

"FIRE!" someone yells from the edge of the training ground. Instantly, I'm on my feet. Until the rains come again, fire is a serious danger.

"Beg pardon?" Kazmiohn Ruokharismet replies irritably.

"Northeast quarter. It's a residential home. On fire. People are trapped inside," the messenger, another member of the Orenzhanim, pants. Like Kennakara. I have to help them. "All Orenzhanim not on patrol requested to help fight the fire."

"You heard the man. Let's go. Your skills tests will wait..." The Kazmiohn might have kept speaking, but I can no longer hear him. I'm running as fast as I can towards the northeast quarter, hoping that I'll get there before it's too late to help.

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