38: Anticipation

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"Someone's at the door for you," Krethzirae informs me with a mischievous smile that can only mean it's Zelphinon. I would expect no one else to come so early, before any of us have left for our first shift of the day.

"I'll see him in just a moment," I reply as I finish arranging my hair with Zelphinon's valix, the last step in my process of getting ready for the day, since I've already eaten breakfast and dressed in my newest uniform, which has a sash of sky blue and silver.

Zelphinon is indeed waiting for me at the front door of our home when I emerge from my room.

"She didn't invite you in?" I ask him, incredulous that Krethzirae could be so rude.

"She did. I just...didn't want to intrude," he assures me as we leave my dwelling together; this claim seems implausible, given that he's been in my bedroom before, but I decide not to press him on it. "Are you ready for this?"

"Probably not, but I'm definitely curious." Today is our first time serving as part of the Fiorzhanim, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. "What about you?"

"Also curious. A bit nervous. Cezarya and Alderon were both bored during their shifts, although Alderon less so."

"Do you know what all they had to do?"

"Mostly stand quietly at the ready in case of trouble. Cezarya witnessed several meetings regarding Orenxiao's finances, and Alderon got to sit through some discussion of protections for Orenxiao's farmers. Many of the fields and rice paddies are outside the walls, and the farmers are worried about the threat of the Erivim."

"That sounds very interesting."

Zelphinon smiles. "I thought you would think so. Alderon said you would probably thoroughly enjoy this. The Orenfior's meetings are less frustrating than negotiations with the zaikaritim, in his opinion."

"I hope so," I laugh. "Kazmiohn Ruokharismet is deciding which pair is assigned to this duty on any particular day based on what the Orenfior has scheduled, he told me."

"I'm a little surprised he decided to send both of us together. Alderon and Santhrobar always wanted at least one of us scouting during the trip to and from Kedar-Jashun, and never in the same place at the same time."

"They're not making these decisions, though, and other factors are at play."

"Do you know why he did this, then?"

"Yes." I'm not sure whether or not I should say it out loud. Zelphinon is patient, but I can feel his eyes boring into me, waiting for an explanation. "Because of the poisoning attempt. He says it's...sort of an expression of gratitude to us, or to try to make up for some of the stuff we've gone through. And because we understand each other so well, he thinks each of us is the best choice to protect the other one if...something goes wrong again."

"Oh." His hand finds mine, quickly squeezes it, falls away; despite the early hour, this feels like the most affection we can show at present. "I...didn't realize he paid that much attention to us."

"He is a good Kazmiohn." A brief pause, while I gather courage to ask what I want to ask. "Somewhat related.... If I may ask.... How goes the haunting?"

"Our comrades who guard the place where the emissaries are staying say that their charges seem most disturbed of late. So I would say it's going well."

"Are you sleeping enough?"

"Yes. I've been going early in the morning, and it doesn't take long. A little rearranging here, a little robe shredding there, a couple of ominous messages. Some of my sparring matches with partners other than you or Alderon at the Andelxiao Academy have taken longer than I ever spend in there."

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