53: Proper Education

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The sun is high in the sky over the courtyard of the Yrivvior's palace, wherein are gathered 50 volunteers from across Yrivvenna, all here because they are willing to serve in Kedar-Jashun. I cannot help wondering, as I stand next to the Yrivvior as one of the Viorzhanim who has been conscripted into supporting a canopy to shade our ruler from the sun's rays, whether 50 will be enough. I know I'm not the only one wondering this, but we have to work with what we have. Zelphinon and I maintain, and several among the salori agree, that our plans to help Kedar-Jashun will be most successful if the people implementing the plans are willing to be there.

We're probably lucky to have this many, especially on such short notice.

"Welcome to Orenxiao, and thank you all for volunteering to serve Yrivvenna in an unprecedented fashion on such short notice," the Yrivvior says grandly, effectively capturing the attention of everyone present in the courtyard. His voice echoes off the palace and its outbuildings; no one here can ignore him. In addition to the volunteers, some firohni, several Viorzhanim, Kazmiohn Meskaiavin, all the salori from our meeting earlier, and the Sozunkarit are present. I am relieved, but not entirely surprised, to find that the Molongun zaikarit and his associates are not present.

The volunteers all bow to the Yrivvior in response to his greeting, as is proper. Cezarya and Jorabij are at the front of the small group of volunteers from among the Orenzhanim; I don't recognize any of the others.

"As you are no doubt aware, Yrivvenna is facing trying times and a threat to its very existence through the scourge of the Erivim," the Yrivvior continues. "While we have been fortunate in Orenxiao to have remained largely unscathed by this threat, other areas of our great country have suffered intolerably because of the Erivim. Many villages have been destroyed, and the region of Kedar-Jashun is currently plagued by Erivim raids. They have appealed to me for aid, and you have answered their call, and for that you deserve the greatest honor and respect."

Smatterings of applause flutter through the Yrivvior's audience, and he pauses to let it dissipate before continuing. "Some of you will serve as warriors, and others will serve as firohni, to train up the warriors of Kedar-Jashun to be more effective in combating the Erivim. We recognize that Kedar-Jashun is not a homogenous region, and therefore we will be spending nearly a moon together, training here in Orenxiao to determine which of you would be best suited to the aforementioned duties and to each of the tribes of Kedar-Jashun, that your efforts may be fruitful and that you may be accepted into these tribes that will become your home. The Sozunkarit Gymaraelshek has graciously volunteered to assist us in determining all of your placements, and he will be presiding, along with Firohn Tanarin of Andelxiao, over your training."

Another break for applause. Finally, I know the Sozunkarit's name, so that I can address him properly. Though I am meant to be neither seen nor heard, a hardly acknowledged source of ideas in these strategy meetings, the Sozunkarit has made me feel seen and heard and valued today, and he has been the primary advocate for the ideas I have suggested. It is because of him that we are not, in this ceremony, assigning each of our volunteers to their tribes and duties before getting to know them and see what they can do, and without taking all of their circumstances into account.

Had we not settled on this course of action, it's very likely that they would have sent Cezarya and Jorabij to different tribes, since they are not yet married and their story was not known to the parties with power in the negotiations. I would like to thank Sozunkarit Gymaraelshek, though I know not if or when I might get the chance, for his support and leadership.

"Many of you have journeyed far and long to join us here today, and we do not wish to test your abilities while you are fatigued from your travels," the Yrivvior is saying. "You will be housed in Orenzhanim barracks in the southeast quadrant of the city for the duration of your stay here; some of the Orenzhanim will escort you there shortly, led by our own Kazmiohn Meskaiavin. Tomorrow at dawn, the training and evaluations will begin. You may expect to be tested in all of your fighting abilities as well as your horsemanship, and each of you will sit for an interview with Sozunkarit Gymaraelshek at some point in the next several days."

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