32: Little Death

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"Can't say I could have done better for her, with what you've described."

"Will she recover, do you think?"

"I don't see any reason why not, if you continue this standard of care. You said she was otherwise healthy?"

"As far as any of us can tell. She never mentioned any ailments or weaknesses. She has scars from past injuries, but—"

"All of you Orenzhanim have those, or will. And you're all in good physical condition. Scars are not my concern."

"How long do you think it will take, for her to recover?"

"Depends how well we keep the fever down and how much water we can get her to drink. We have to flush it out before her body cooks itself alive."

"You agree with my diagnosis, then?"

"I told you I couldn't have done better. I think you have the right of it."

"Then someone tried to poison her."

"More than likely. That plant doesn't even grow in these parts, except maybe in some apothecary's or herbalist's private garden."

"Who would have done such a thing?"

"She's not without enemies."

"Maybe, but anyone who would do this lacks honor."

"Without a doubt."


"You're awake," Zelphinon greets me softly with mild surprise as my eyes flutter open. The room is mostly dark; a couple candles must be lit somewhere.

"Why am I all wet?" I ask slowly, shifting a bit. The mattress beneath me is wet, there's wet on top of me.

"You've had a bad fever. We were trying to cool you down. How are you feeling?"

"I...don't know." My whole body aches, but it's not as painful to move as it was the last time I was awake. "How long...?"

"I'm not sure. The sun went down not too long ago."

"They left you in here with me...?"

"The door is open. Krethzirae and Thariyae are in the living area. And I'm here as a healer, first and foremost."

"Did the other healer come?"

"Yes. She...agreed with my diagnosis."

"You think someone poisoned me."

"Yes. Speaking of which, you should drink more of this." He produces a bowl with that awful bitter substance from before. "Can you sit up?"

To both his and my surprise, sitting up is more or less manageable, with a little bit of help. His medicinal brew is just as difficult to swallow as before, though.

"Have you...whatever this was...have you treated it before?"

"Not like this. I saw a case or two, in Kedar-Jashun. Always accidents, kids playing and ran into a patch of the plant. And I studied it, while I was studying everything I could get my hands on in regards to healing."

"You have a gift. They should let you do this...instead of the Orenzhanim."

He smiles a little bit. "The healer said so, too. Kazmiohn Ruokharismet was less than convinced."

"Was he here?"

"Briefly. He came with the healer, just to see...how you were doing."

"Did he think I was faking...?"

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