4: Morning Patrol

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"Ah, good. Right on time. You are real professionals, after all," Kazmiohn Ruokharismet greets us, coming out of a room in the base of one of the West Gate's towers. There is a hint of gray above the city skyline to the east, but otherwise it might as well be night. Nevertheless, my entire squadron is present, along with several other Orenzhanim, but it is my squadron his remarks on professionalism are meant for.

"Bit early for that, isn't it, Ruokharismet?" Kazmiohn Meskaiavin remarks, almost a gentle criticism. Kazmiohn Ruokharismet rolls his eyes but doesn't push back, which is just as well.

"Right. Orenzhanim, I'm sure you've realized there are some new faces among you this morning. We've received a new squadron from the Andelzhanim, and I have the privilege of mixing them in with you for this morning's foot patrols." He continues on, about how the ones who've been here longer will have to "show the fresh meat the ropes" and so on, but I pay just enough attention to learn that Jorabij and I will be in a group of five with three more veteran Orenzhanim, and, thanks be to Heaven, Thariyae and Alderon are not in a group together. Of course I would have preferred to be in a group with Zelphinon or Cezarya, but I don't mind having the chance to touch base with Jorabij, assuming we get any opportunities to socialize while we work.

Once the Kazmiohn finished his spiel, we break into our groups as best we can. Jorabij and I find each other quickly, and then a very tall member of the Orenzhanim approaches us.

"Azerai and Jorabij, yeah? You're with me," he says with an engaging smile. "I'm Torrenil. Welcome to Orenxiao."

"Thank you," I reply. Jorabij also tries to say something, but Torrenil cuts him off.

"We're doing a city interior patrol this morning. Did you have anything like that in Andelxiao?"

Jorabij and I shake our heads.

"All right. So, the city is a giant circle," Torrenil explains. "We will be covering streets on the western half. There's a boulevard just inside the wall, and then several streets like spokes on a wheel between that and the center of Orenxiao, and then smaller circles between the wall and city center, if that makes any sense?"

"Yes, perfect sense. How long—" Jorabij attempts.

"Great, great. So we walk together in our group of five. I'll handle the route. We're looking for damage to the wall, suspicious items and behavior, and just generally making ourselves available to help the general citizenry with small issues. If there's a theft in the market, for example, we might help sort that out. That sort of thing. The gong marks shift starts and stops. You got it?"

Jorabij and I nod. I, for one, have given up on getting a word in edgewise when Torrenil talks.

"Fantastic! So these are Nesthirai and Moijavek, the other members of our team. Nesthirai and Moijavek, Jorabij and Azerai," Torrenil introduces us.

"Welcome! Don't mind Torrenil. He has the national speed record for talking," Nesthirai jokes. She's about my height but much more muscular, with mischief in her eyes.

"Hey! I do not. I'm just efficient," Torrenil argues, but he's smiling.

"Good to have you," Moijavek says to us. "Let's go, before—"


He's cut off by the sound of a gong, and all at once we're off, walking in a line of five down the boulevard just inside the city wall. Quickly, the line of five becomes Torrenil and Nesthirai teasing each other at the front, Jorabij and I behind them, and Moijavek behind us, grumbling about just wanting some peace and quiet. Torrenil and Moijavek have torches, but it's still mostly too dark for any sort of sightseeing or learning the city. I don't know how long our patrol will last, but I'm hoping it gets less boring, and soon.

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