46: Dream Come True

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"You will dine with me tonight," Zelphinon tells me quietly, eyes alight with an intensity that demands my agreement, as we walk away from the Orenfior's mansion, having been dismissed for the day.

"Will I?" I answer facetiously. "I don't remember agreeing to—"

"No games. No arguments. We have much to discuss."

"You know I will not refuse you. Your roof, again?"

"That would be most private. Market for food again first."

"Of course." Indeed, our feet have already set their own course for the nearest market. We do not converse any further, beyond a brief discussion to decide on skewers of roasted vegetables and meat as our evening meal, during our walk to the market and then to his dwelling. Zelphinon is practically vibrating with undisclosed words and restrained emotions, and I have nothing to say; in fact, it has been a long time since I have felt this satisfied with a day's work.

"Why did you do it?" Zelphinon demands once we've taken our usual places on his roof.

"Do what, exactly?" I ask.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." His eyes are blazing, and I suddenly feel like he might be angry with me, though I can hardly fathom why. "Were you out of your mind, to try to negotiate with the Yrivvior? He offers you an unheard-of opportunity, and you decide to place conditions on taking it. He would have been well within his rights to revoke the opportunity and have you banished—"

"But he didn't. Why would he have done such a thing?"

"Placing a condition on a job offer from the Yrivvior is hardly the most respectful response."

"If I thought him as unreasonable as the Andelfior, I might not have placed a condition on taking the offer." A brief pause, as both of us remember the ridiculous ruler of Andelxiao and his bizarre behavior and manner of dress. "But the Yrivvior seems to be a good leader, circumspect, focused on the well-being of Yrivvenna. I did not think it possible for him to refuse me, and he did not. Are you not pleased with the outcome?"

"Of course I.... It's a dream come true. But Azerai...." Our eyes lock for what seems like an eternity, and I feel as though for the first time we are sparring the way he spars with Alderon.

"You should not have taken such a risk for me," he says quietly, looking down at his hands in his lap.

"You gave up much to come here with me, and you saved my life. The least I could do is to—"

"I did not give up half so much as I would have lost if I had stayed in Andelxiao when you came here. And your strategies in Andelxiao might well have saved us all. And now this...it is too much."

"I do not think so. I would give you more, if I could, and it still would not be as much as you deserve." I want to say more, but then his lips are on mine, gentle but so full of feeling that all I can do is kiss him back. He pulls me close to him, no space between our bodies anymore, and suddenly we are engulfed in pleasant heat and the air seems to crackle with desires that cannot yet be fulfilled.

"I love you." We say it at the same time, in the same breath taken as the kiss ends. My eyes widen in surprise; I didn't mean to say it aloud, and never expected him to say it, either. Zelphinon smiles broadly, surprising me further, and kisses me again before I can comment on it. Everything else fades away. At long last, it's just us, without anyone else's expectations or misconceptions or other restrictions. I never dreamed anything could be this good.

"Thank you, by the way," he breathes against my lips as we break for air, foreheads pressed against one another. "I don't think I ever said that to you, for getting them to let me train as a healer."

"I am glad that it pleases you. For a moment I thought you were angry with me."

"Mostly angry that it took so long for us to be able to talk in private, and a little annoyed that you were so bold as to request that favor for me without discussing it with me first."

"Had it ever occurred to me that I would be presented so ripe an opportunity to make that negotiation on your behalf, I would have brought it up to you in private first. But I had no idea I would get that chance, and once I saw it, I was not about to let it slip away."

"I am grateful. Beyond grateful. Believe me." Another kiss, brief but full of longing. "But our Kazmiohn is right. You must be careful."

"As far as I know, I have nothing else for which I would need to negotiate like that. It will not happen again."

"That is just as well. You've seen.... There will be enough trouble, simply because you are a woman, with you serving in the Viorzhanim and as a military strategist."

"I know it well. I was the only woman in the Hall of Private Audience today. I heard as well as you did what the salori were saying. I will do all I can not to draw further attention to myself."

"I don't doubt that. But we have also seen how ambitious Orenxiao natives tend to be, and...I worry."

"The Kazmiohn said you will always be there with me, when I go to the Yrivvior's palace, and I am sure that the salori will soon see I am no threat to their ambitions."

"I am more concerned that some of them will try to use you to further their own ambitions."

"Such a thing would only work if their ambitions hold some military benefit for Yrivvenna or can be used to defeat the Erivim and the Visserov."

He smiles again and lightly kisses my forehead. "Singular of purpose. The Yrivvior will likely appreciate that from you."

"Not as much as I appreciate seeing your smile."

His cheeks redden slightly and he turns away. "I...It just happens, around you. Until we...became close, I had not smiled since my father died."

My hand finds his and squeezes it gently. "I do not think it is disrespectful to his memory to feel joy. The father you have described to me would want you to be happy again."

He kisses me again, this time passion tempered with gratitude. "Thank you. I...needed to hear that, I think."

I smile and scoot closer to him, unable to think of anything I could say that would make this better than it already is. He returns the smile briefly, and then we both turn our attention to the stars and the waning moon. What a day it has been. Probably the most exciting thing should be my promotion, but I can't focus on that for more than two seconds before grinning like an idiot, because

Zelphinon loves me.

Of Love and ValorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя