1: Orenxiao

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"Welcome to Orenxiao," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin says grandly as we approach the west gate of Yrivvenna's capitol city. I can hardly believe my eyes.

"And I thought Andelxiao was big," I mutter. Zelphinon is walking beside me and smiles slightly; he's the only one who heard me, though we travel with our entire squadron and the Orenxiao-based escort for Avizhaisken Eskovar, the incredible blacksmith-healer who created a prosthetic arm and hand for Alderon. The palisades surrounding Orenxiao must be at least four times Zelphinon's height, and they are completely stonework, shining in the light of the afternoon sun. This is to be our new home.

"Finally," Ansohnya Umathyar gripes from atop her scrawny horse. She's been complaining ever since she got the news that our squadron was being transferred to Orenxiao. For once, I can't exactly blame her for griping. The journey has not been that long, less than three days, but she had just gotten settled in Andelxiao, which had to be trouble enough, and none of us quite got a choice about this move. I'm really grateful that Kazmiohn Zuluthruyen decided to send my entire squadron with me when Kazmiohn Meskaiavin requested I come to Orenxiao, but I know it's not an easy thing for any of us to undertake. Even Thariyae, who is originally from Orenxiao, was rather nonplussed by the news of our transfer.

"We've made good time," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin continues as though Ansohnya Umathyar had not spoken. He cordially detests her, which I find entirely natural; however, her offspring grudgingly decided not to abandon her in Andelxiao and insisted that she relocate with us, and the Kazmiohn would have dealt with worse to get me to accompany him back to Orenxiao.

"The Yrivvior and the Orenfior both have become increasingly concerned by Erivim activity and the potential for an attack on our city," he said to me the first time we met regarding military strategy, back in Andelxiao and in the presence of Kazmiohn Zuluthruyen. "You are unique in Yrivvenna, to our knowledge, in that you have survived two Erivim attacks and have a great deal of military training. The success of your strategies here in Andelxiao makes you all the more valuable to us."

"Kazmiohn Meskaiavin, I am a simple village girl who did what she did just so that others would not have to suffer as she had suffered, and that is all," I protested.

"Be that as it may, there is no more qualified strategist in all of Yrivvenna to create a plan to end the Erivim and their activities within our borders."

"And what of their connection to the Visserov? I have no experience with international relations, and if the Erivim are simply their tool—"

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we focus on the Erivim. I will tell you about the strategies we have already implemented in Orenxiao. Tell me how we can improve."

I didn't tell anyone on my squadron except Zelphinon and Cezarya about the substance of that meeting. I didn't want the attention. I wouldn't have told Cezarya, but she was there when Kazmiohni Zuluthruyen and Meskaiavin came to tell me that Kazmiohn Meskaiavin demanded my presence in Orenxiao as a consulting strategist and fighter. Both are sworn to secrecy, but it's not exactly hard to figure out. Kazmiohn Meskaiavin and I have met almost daily to talk strategy since the decision to move us to Orenxiao was made.

"What is the first order of business once we are inside the walls, Kazmiohn?" Alderon asks. He and Santhrobar are the natural leaders of our squadron. He's made incredible progress with his prosthetic limb, but using it for combat is still very much a work in progress.

"You'll have to meet Kazmiohn Ruokharismet. He's the other Kazmiohn in charge of the Orenzhanim," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin replies. He was clearly planning to give us the rundown whether or not anyone asked. "He'll give you a tour and sort out a schedule for your squadron while I sort out housing arrangements for you. We will make sure you have time today to get to a market before they close for the evening to get basic provisions, as well."

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