56: Underground

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"Oh, wow," I breathe as Zelphinon and I, along with a few other Orenzhanim, follow the Orenfior through the East Gate to our designated ferry to cross the Virella. On the opposite bank, where once we had a clear view of Old Orenxiao, the wall I'd recommended now stands half-finished, with swarms of Academy students and adult volunteers all around it to continue its construction.

"We have made quite a bit of progress on your project since last you served with me," the Orenfior remarks in response. "Is it what you envisioned?"

"Certainly well on its way there."

"Very wise, not to commit to an endorsement until you see the finished product. Even so, we are coming out here today for you to inspect everything and see what further strategic defensive elements we might incorporate into Old Orenxiao."

"Begging your pardon, Your Excellency, but I am no architect—"

"We have architects to ensure structural soundness and to make your ideas work. What I ask from you is the eye of a military strategist who has some experience in combat against our expected foes."

"Yes, Your Excellency." I have no faith that my insights will be of any merit—since my attempt to read the scroll from the Yrivvilon a couple nights ago, sleep has been fitful at best—but I will not say as much in front of my comrades-at-arms. The Orenzhanim are more accepting than the Viorzhanim, at least, but I still feel they look down on Zelphinon and me as too young and inexperienced to be capable or deserving of serving in this capacity, and I am loath to give them further reason to doubt me.

We cross the river quickly—Zelphinon and I are much better rowers than we were the first time we made this trip—and once we alight on the opposite bank, the Orenfior leads us up the riverbank towards the busiest part of the construction.

"Azerai and Zelphinon, you are free to move around as you please, with me or independently, but I want you to inspect every part of the wall construction, and also the ruins, if you can find the time," he directs us. "The Yrivvior, the Kazmiohni, and I are most concerned about what happens if the Visserov attack before this project is complete. We want other defensive measures in place."

"Of course, Your Excellency. We will see what we can do," Zelphinon answers for both of us. I wonder if he can sense my current distress and exhaustion. We haven't seen much of each other since the meetings in the Yrivvior's palace with the Sozunkarit and the salori and all the recruits to serve in Kedar-Jashun; our shifts just haven't lined up, except for training, and it's hard to have a meaningful conversation while sparring all-out.

"Where do you want to go first?" I ask him quietly as the rest of our group moves on without us.

"I don't know much about walls. They're not a tactic typically used where I came from," he answers.

"Let's get that part over with quickly, then, and spend the rest of our time on the ruins?"

"I like that plan."

As expected, neither of us has much to say about the walls. They are sturdy, thick at the base with stone support posts going deep into the ground.

"They will hold against the water longer than wood," one of the architects explains, "but they will not last forever. For the wall to be most effective, we had best hope our foes challenge it sooner rather than later."

"Thank you, Ansohn," I reply. He also assures me that the supports are more than sufficient for a wall of this height. Like the main wall of Andelxiao, it has stone watchtowers interspersed through it, although everything is a smaller scale than that of the main city, and the sections between the watchtowers are mostly wood.

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