8: Interruption

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"Greetings, Andelxiao Squadron. I hope you've all adequately recovered from yesterday's adventures," Kazmiohn Ruokharismet remarks, surveying us critically. Our schedule today is the same as yesterday's, only today it seems likely that we will actually get to train instead of being interrupted by an emergency. I certainly hope that is the case, anyway; 'adequately recovered' might be a bit of a stretch to describe my current condition, although I won't let on. After the fire, Zelphinon made me sit down in the top of our tower for the entire watch, and so I was recovered enough for our final patrol of the day, but it still feels like there is smoke in my lungs, and I have several bandaged burns under my uniform that are liabilities in a combat situation.

We all murmur some sort of affirmative reply to the Kazmiohn's remark, and he nods in satisfaction. "Good. After seeing you all respond to the fire yesterday, I've decided against formally skills testing you. Each of you proved to me that you are professionals and that you function well in crisis situations, although some of you have a somewhat concerning disregard for your personal safety. All that remains for me to see, then, is your capabilities in combat," the Kazmiohn continues. "You know your squadron better than I do. Can I see what I need to see from a five-on-five battle simulation sparring match, or should I pull in another squadron for all ten of you to fight against?"

We all exchange glances. I don't know that one is any better than the other, personally, and my teammates mostly seem to feel the same way.

"I believe five-on-five will work, Kazmiohn, if you will permit me to offer suggestions on splitting the teams?" Santhrobar replies after a moment or two of deliberation.

"Come confer with me."

I wasn't expecting the Kazmiohn to agree to that, as he has seemed to be a prickly sort when not speaking one-on-one with me. However, I'm glad he is willing to take others' input when they know more than he does, and glad that Santhrobar was willing to speak for all of us. He is a good leader, although I miss Kazmiohn Zuluthruyen.

Kazmiohn Ruokharismet and Santhrobar only speak for a few moments before Santhrobar takes his place once more with the rest of us.

"Right then. We'll have Santhrobar, Azerai, Cezarya, Thariyae, and Zevaklin on one team. Alderon, Zelphinon, Jorabij, Krethzirae, and Mailadui on the other," the Kazmiohn informs us. "Separate to opposite sides of the training area and confer within your teams about a strategy. When I blow this horn, the battle begins."

"Very similar to training with Firohn Tanarin," Zelphinon observes before we part ways for our separate teams. He's right. And it was too much to hope, that they'd put us on the same team. I wish I got to spend more time sparring with him, instead of against him, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon.

"In all honesty, Azerai, how are you feeling after yesterday?" Santhrobar asks me in a low voice.

"Well enough. I will do what needs to be done," I answer, more confident than I feel.

"What's the plan, fearless leader?" Cezarya asks Santhrobar irritably, glaring sideways at Thariyae.

"Well. It wasn't my best idea to give Alderon and Zelphinon a chance to work together," Santhrobar mutters. "We'll need to separate them as soon as possible."

"I'll handle Zelphinon," I volunteer. I'm not sure I can take Zelphinon at his best today, but I won't admit that. "They're likely planning to have him keep me out of the way, anyway."

"Mailadui and I have different fighting styles. I want that challenge," Thariyae asserts.

"One-to-one coverage then. Fine by me," Santhrobar decides before assigning the rest of us our targets. I stop paying attention to my teammates and try to fix my breathing as best I can before our Kazmiohn sounds the horn. I wonder if Zelphinon will use his knowledge of my infirmities from the fire against me today. On the one hand, that would be the smart thing to do. It would more or less assure his team victory, and I don't mind losing to him. Of the two of us, he's the better fighter. On the other hand, he never took advantage in sparring matches when I was recovering from the Erivim wound in my side, or in our training sessions after the battle against the Erivim at Andelxiao. He's always been honorable, and with his skill in battle, he has no need to exploit weaknesses to win.

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