60: Possible

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As luck would have it, my first shift of the day is a walking patrol with Thariyae, Kokudon, and two other Orenzhanim with whom I am not well acquainted. I had really hoped, when I got out of bed this morning and nearly fell on my face because my legs refused to support my weight, that I would somehow be able to avoid walking patrols today, but alas, such is not my luck.

I never realized that riding horseback would place such different strain on my muscles than regular training does, and with the pain in my legs has come a grudging respect for the tribes of Kedar-Jashun. If the duel I fought on Zelphinon's behalf had been on horseback, there's a strong possibility I would have lost it.

Thariyae and Kokudon seem to be experiencing similar soreness, based on the way they're walking, but I have no interest in speaking with either of them. Kokudon still avoids speaking to me when he can and watches me warily; the first impression I made on him has evidently not worn off, despite my endeavors to be friendly to him since then, and I'm simply not up to continuing that work this morning.

Thariyae, on the other hand, has not said a word all morning, even though we got ready together and walked together to the West Gate to receive our day's assignments. We even both took tea that Krethzirae made for all of us that's supposed to help ease our aches and pains, and she didn't say so much as a thank you to Krethzirae. Her face has been a mask of apathy, as if she's trying to imitate Zelphinon's habit of hiding his emotions, but the anguish in her eyes is unmistakeable, at least to me.

"Some workout that was yesterday, huh, Thariyae?" Kokudon asks her, far too chipper for the general mood of our patrol group.

Thariyae just shrugs and turns away from him. Kokudon frowns, perturbed. I would guess, from his looks and his expression, that he's not used to being ignored by girls he's deemed worthy of his flirtations.

"What's the matter? You don't really mean to do the whole patrol in silence, the way we're supposed to, do you? I never took you for a strict rule-follower," he presses. The other two Orenzhanim, who have been talking quietly amongst themselves, glance back at him reprovingly, but he doesn't notice.

"It's been a rough morning in our house," I tell him quietly, trying to provide an out for Thariyae. I can't imagine whatever happened last night was easy for her. If I can get her even a little respite—

"No one was talking to you," Kokudon glares at me. "I would prefer an answer from Thariyae."

"Azerai didn't deserve that, and you can't take a hint," Thariyae glowers, spitting at Kokudon's feet. "I never actually liked you, and I certainly don't want to talk to you now. Go annoy someone else, without insulting my friends."

Based on the look on Kokudon's face, slapping him would have been less painful and less insulting. He opens his mouth as if to lambast her, then closes it and shakes his head.

"Fine. You're replaceable," he responds caustically before speed-walking to the front of our group, muttering something unrepeatable about two-faced women in their time of bleeding. Moments later, to my utter astonishment, he is all smiles, trying to strike up a friendly conversation with the other woman who is part of our patrol squad.

"Good riddance," Thariyae mutters. Though she is glaring fiercely at the ground, she also seems to be struggling to hold back tears.

"I can make him regret that, if you want," I offer, my voice low.

"He's not worth it. But thank you."

"Do you want to talk about...whatever's bothering you?"


"All right." I wish I could come up with some way to distract her from her thoughts, but I've never been the best conversationalist, and Kokudon's attempted flirtations ahead of us are beyond infuriating to witness. It's actually a relief when I spot an irregularity in the city wall. Normally I don't volunteer to do mundane repair work, but doing so today will give me some peace and quiet, which I can maximize by not hurrying to catch up with the group again.

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