65: Passionate

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"Well, here we are," Cezaiya smiles, waving her hand grandly at the door to a barracks unit that looks identical to all the others in its row. "I hope you don't mind that we aren't cooking a meal tonight—"

"Cezaiya, love, the time for such apologies was before we bought supper at the market," Jorabij laughs.

Cezaiya blushes in response, and I glance sideways at Zelphinon, who seems to be just as amused as I am by our hosts' banter. "Come in, anyway. It's super simple, but that's to be expected, I guess, under the circumstances."

"We'll have plenty of time to make a real home for ourselves in Kedar-Jashun. I'm sure you're already thinking of ways to make a tent cozy and inviting."

"Congratulations, by the way, on qualifying to be part of the first wave to go," I tell them. Though I'm sad that they're leaving, from what I understand it is no small accomplishment to have convinced both Firohn Tanarin and Sozunkarit Gymaraelshek of their skill and readiness for the task they've volunteered for.

"Thank you. I would have preferred to wait a bit longer, but it seems our skill and the need of the Molongun tribe supersede my preferences," Jorabij answers me.

"You're going to do great, love," Cezaiya assures him as she starts to pull together place settings for us on tatami mats on the floor. By the looks of things, the only furniture they have in this small dwelling is their bed, tucked around a corner in an alcove for something resembling privacy. I didn't realize the barracks could come quite this spare. Maybe it's just because these are meant as temporary dwellings? Or perhaps because they are leaving for Kedar-Jashun tomorrow?

"You and I both know your skill on horseback far exceeds mine—"

"Really? You could have fooled me, when we've trained with you," I interrupt.

"Certainly you're better on horseback than any other Andelxiao native among the recruits," Zelphinon adds.

"That's my uncle's doing," Jorabij explains modestly. "He's been a traveling blacksmith with one of the tribes in Kedar-Jashun for decades, and he taught me how to ride his horse when he came to visit us in Andelxiao."

"Ooooo, tell them the whole story!" Cezaiya urges.

"As you wish, once we all get settled. Can I carry anything, or—"

"No, just sit. This is the last of it." She finishes laying out place settings, and we all sit on the floor. Zelphinon and I start distributing the food we've carried from the nearest market as Jorabij begins his tale.

"My uncle was born and raised in Andelxiao, just like my father, just like me. He always liked to go to the market district when he had the chance, as he often did because Academy attendance was not mandated then, and he was apprenticed to a local blacksmith who often gave him free time, particularly when traders were in the city. Well, one day when he went to the market he found a caravan from the Onsyagis tribe, and among them was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, weaving a coat from yak's wool. They fell to talking, and by the time he went home for supper he was convinced that she and no other must be his bride. He spoke of nothing else to his parents, my grandparents, until Grandfather agreed to go and talk to her father. Well, the tribe wouldn't hear of her leaving, but they would agree to the match if my uncle would join the tribe. They never thought he'd accept those terms, but when they left Andelxiao at the next full moon, he was numbered among them, sharing a tent with his new bride."

"And they have been happy together since?" Zelphinon inquires. His hand has found mine during Jorabij's tale-telling, making it difficult for me to eat, but I don't really mind. I wonder if he shares my thoughts: If it could work for them, knowing each other for so little time, then maybe the people worried about how little time we've known each other before he gave me a valix are worried for nothing, and it can work for us, too. We've talked about marriage a bit, abstractly, when we share meals; he seems to think that those who would seek to use me for personal advancement need a stronger warning than the valix in my hair to stay away, and I have no objection to marrying him, whenever that comes about. Firoguee makes marriage sound like the best thing that's ever happened to her, Cezaiya and Jorabij seem to be in absolute bliss, and I can't imagine ever trying to go through life without Zelphinon. Why not take the next step, sooner rather than later?

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