12: Everything

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"You didn't have to help with the food this time," Zelphinon remarks as we make our way from the kitchen to his room with our supper.

"I have heard it said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and though she is no man, I have not lost hope that I can win your mother over the same way," I reply, half joking. I actually volunteered to help with food because I know Cezarya will not be coming home for supper and neither of the Umathyari sons is particularly skillful in the kitchen. Ansohnya Umathyar is generally acknowledged to be impossible to please.

"You can hope, I suppose." The conversation lulls as we carefully climb out his window and settle ourselves on the roof, miraculously without spilling any of our fish curry. "Does it matter so much to you?"

"Not really, knowing what I know of her. But I do not wish to make your life more difficult, and I know she does not find me...acceptable."

"I think that's perfect, actually. She doesn't find me acceptable, either. And if she did find you acceptable, she'd be trying to convince you to go with Alderon instead."

"No one would be happy with that."


"How will she react to Cezarya's valix, do you think?"

"I don't think Cezarya will tell her. She'll have to notice it on her own, which will take some time. She won't be pleased when she finds out, though. She doesn't approve of Jorabij, either, and the conversation we witnessed between him and his father today is a perfect illustration of why."

"The rejection of patriarchal values and tradition?"

"Yes, exactly that."

"He has the right of it though, I think."

"I would agree. Kedar-Jashun misses out on a lot, because of values like that. Places like Andelxiao function better."

"How do you mean?"

"You, for instance. No one in Kedar-Jashun would have allowed you to work as a military strategist. And many more people would have died as a result, had our leaders been focused on...other things, rather than your talent and experience."

"Even then, this system...hurts both ways. You have not been allowed to train as a healer."

"After that battle in Andelxiao, I do not begrudge the training I've had as a warrior instead."

"But is it still a path you would like to pursue?"

"Someday. They often let retired warriors with good field medicine skills become healers."

"That's a long time to wait."

He seems irritated by this line of reasoning. "What about you? Do you want to be a military strategist?"

I don't know how to answer that question. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine having any sort of military career. "I want peace."

He smiles slightly and looks up at the stars. There aren't as many of them here as in Andelxiao or Kennakara; a greater abundance of torches and cook-fire smoke obscures some of them. "Yes. Peace would be nice."

"Do you think it's possible? In our lifetime?"

"Maybe. We dealt the Erivim a heavy blow. We will have to wait and see how they respond, and what our leaders choose to do about it."

"I guess."

Several moments pass, just watching the stars. I miss the roof of the Academy in Andelxiao. The view was better there.

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