58: Wedded Bliss

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"I think that should do it," I tell Cezarya as I tuck one final vibrant peony into her hair, which together we have styled into an elaborate updo. She has handled her own cosmetics—I am worse than useless with such things—and she is already wearing her crimson wedding robes, which are intricately embroidered in gold with dragons, foxes, and the symbols for happiness and prosperity.

"Thank you," she smiles, but the smile betrays her nerves. "I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to ask you personally, to do this for me today—"

"It's no trouble at all. The surprise was kind of fun."

"I'm glad you thought so. Zelphinon was adamant about doing it that way, once Jorabij and I agreed to use mainly the traditions of Kedar-Jashun for our wedding." She sighs and gets up from the cushion where she's been kneeling in front of a mirror and starts pacing the small room that has been designated for her use this evening. "Now we wait until everyone else is ready...."

"It's going to be beautiful," I assure her. I want to ask more about the planning that's gone into this, particularly Zelphinon's involvement, but this is about Cezarya and Jorabij, not about me.

"I'm not worried about the wedding itself," Cezarya clarifies. "I'm nervous about...tonight, and tomorrow. We still haven't told my mother anything."

"Let Alderon and Zelphinon worry about that. They can handle it. And you have more exciting things to look forward to tonight."

Cezarya blushes hotly, and then I do, too, as I realize what she must think I meant.

"I'm nervous about that, too," she whispers. "Firogai and I talked about it a little, and she told me Nevinrul was just as anxious as she was about their wedding night, and as long as Jorabij and I talk to each other it should be good, but I'm still...."

"I think I would be, too. But he cares for you more than anything. I'm sure the two of you will—"

A knocking at the door kills the rest of my words before they can leave my lips. Answering the knock is one of my duties, and so I open the door a crack. Firohn Tanarin stands on the other side of it.

"Is the bride ready?" he inquires.

"What has the groom sent for her?" I reply, as is tradition. Firohn Tanarin hands me a delicate gold chain hung with a ruby pendant styled as an amaryllis blossom. Cezarya takes it from me the next moment, trembling slightly.

"It's perfect," she breathes. "Help me put it on?"

"The bride accepts his gift. We will come momentarily," I tell Firohn Tanarin as I help Cezarya add the necklace to her bridal jewelry.

"Make haste. The groom is not the most patient of men," Firohn Tanarin advises, tongue in cheek. I bite my tongue to avoid retorting that the bride is not the most patient of women; there is no place for such banter in these traditional rituals.

Moments later, Cezarya and I follow Firohn Tanarin down a few corridors of the Orenfior's mansion before stopping outside an imposing set of double doors, where Alderon is waiting for us.

"I will see you inside," Firohn Tanarin says before continuing to a smaller door a little further down the hall and vanishing through it.

"You look radiant, sister," Alderon greets Cezarya. "No second thoughts?"

"None," she answers, as though daring him to challenge her on her choice of life partner again.

"Good. You have chosen well." A gesture from Alderon directs me to use the same door Firohn Tanarin did, which I do quickly. I really wish someone had told me how all of this would work. The smaller door is another entrance to the same room the double doors open onto, the Orenfior's Hall of Private Audience. The space is small and intimate, with polished wood floors and elegant silk wall hangings, lit by an abundance of paper lanterns. A few red cushions, most of which have already been claimed by members of our squadron—all of the original members except for Thariyae—and a few other guests, are arranged on the floor facing a table draped in red and gold fabric that stands on a small platform with Jorabij, Firohn Tanarin, and a zhvarohn waiting expectantly near it. Music from a flute and a guzheng emanates from one corner of the room as I take the nearest unoccupied cushion, conveniently between Zelphinon and Firoguee, and then the double doors swing open.

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