68: Traitors

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"Why have you brought them here?" Zelphinon asks me as our comrade from the gates and I drag Kokudon and Anzarij, at long last, to the edge of the improvised healers' station.

"Special guests of Kazmiohn Ruokharismet," I answer deadpan, hoping he will read between the lines, understand what I cannot say in hearing of these 'guests.' He helps our comrade and me settle the two wounded traitors on pallets on the ground.

"Thank you," I tell the one who came from the gates. I don't think I've ever met him before.

"Of course. By your leave, I'll go back to the gate. I'll never forgive myself if I've sent the Kazmiohni into a trap—"

"Go. I will join you as soon as I can."

"What have I missed?" Zelphinon inquires as the other fighter jogs away. I glance meaningfully at Kokudon and Anzarij, then take a few steps away from them. Zelphinon follows me like my own shadow. His eyes demand answers.

"Kazmiohn Ruokharismet and I were having a fascinating conversation with these two about how this morning ran awry. We were told messengers from the East and West Gates are at the entrance to the Imperial Compound. I've been asked to make sure these two are in your particular care." I lean closer to him, as though seeking comfort from him, before adding, as softly as possible, "Just enough care to keep them alive."

"Is he hoping to get more information from them?" His voice is just as quiet as mine; his breath tickles my ear, and his arm has wrapped around my waist. It's not like him to be so bold in public, but with the valix in my hair, this is borderline permissible and will be forgiven under today's circumstances.

"That, or to preserve them for a more formal execution, I would guess."

"I don't like it. But I will do what has been commanded."

"Thank you. And...since we don't know.... If they ask you questions, about what their futures hold, please be as...encouraging as possible. Or at least neutral."

"You cannot possibly think that they will be spared—"

"No, but if we are to get more information from them later—"

"Understood." He pulls away from me slightly, just enough to look me full in the face. "I didn't realize interrogations were so dependent on deception."

"Whatever is necessary for the good of Yrivvenna. Although, it must be said, this particular strategy was more Kazmiohn Ruokharismet's brain child than mine."

"That makes much more sense. Consider it handled."

"Thank you."

"Zelphinon!" someone behind us at the healers' station calls.

"Duty calls. For both of us. Go to the gate," he urges me before withdrawing, leaving me cold and yearning more than ever for a time when duty does not call, when we can forget the demands of the rest of the world.

But he's right. Whether it's a trap or useful information, I need to be at the gate. For the good of Yrivvenna.

One foot after the other, leaden and yet covering ground quickly, faster than I thought I could move. All I want to do is go home and sleep like none of this has happened.

If sleep will be possible, after all this.

"Azerai. Join us," Alderon beckons from the gate to the Imperial Compound, where he stands with Kazmiohni Meskaiavin and Ruokharismet, along with half a dozen Orenzhanim with weapons at the ready. Archers are in each gate tower, arrows on the string. Good. We should take no chances. The gate remains closed, but they've opened a small window, about the size of a face, in the thick wooden door to speak with whoever is on the other side.

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