59: Full Disclosure

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"How do you think he'll handle this?" I whisper to Zelphinon after a long, awkward silence between us. I've been struggling to get my thoughts in order and decide which ones ought to be said aloud; he's been very still and quiet, his face completely inscrutable.

"I don't know," Zelphinon answers flatly, but behind his veneer of apathy, I can tell his thoughts are racing. "But he doesn't need to deal with both that and our mother tonight. We should go. I'll walk you home, and then...."

"No. I'll come with you. You're not facing her alone."

"It's already late, and there's no telling how long that conversation might take. It's not worth risking breaking curfew. You have enough trouble from rumors without—"

"Perhaps the Orenfior will be able to give us a pass or something to help with that?" Because Alderon has already left, collecting the parchments documenting Cezaiya's marriage will fall to Zelphinon, I'm pretty sure.

"Perhaps, but that won't be necessary. There's no reason you should be subject to this misery—"

"And no reason you should have to endure it alone, especially with the way she treats you anyway."

Zelphinon doesn't answer, just gets up from the table and heads towards the more central table where the bride and groom are finishing their celebratory meal. I follow close behind him, wishing I could turn back time and somehow intervene to keep Sazhmira from trying to push Alderon to make their courtship more serious. Why tonight? I can understand wanting to try to arrange her own marriage, but could this not have waited until tomorrow, at the very least?

"Are the two of you also leaving so early?" Cezaiya asks us as we approach.

"Not without regret," Zelphinon tells her apologetically, doing a fairly good job of pretending that all is well in the world. "It is getting late, and I still have duties related to this joyous occasion to fulfill."

"Right. Of course." Cezarya's expression momentarily turns dark at the reminder of their mother, but Jorabij squeezes her hand under the table and she immediately starts beaming again.

"Your union honors both of our clans. Take care of each other."

"Congratulations to you both, Cezaiya, Jorabij," I smile, doing my best to hide my inner turmoil from my friends. "May your marriage be blessed with every possible happiness."

"As long as we are together, it cannot be otherwise," Jorabij replies, looking deeply into Cezaiya's eyes as he speaks. Even at their own wedding, that seems a bit much. Zelphinon and I exchange glances, bow together, and leave them for a small table in the back corner of the room where the Orenfior's servants have the documents certifying the marriage.

"For the family of the bride," one of them says, handing Zelphinon a few pieces of parchment bound together in a roll with a shining red ribbon.

"Many thanks," he responds as he takes the parchment, and then we are on our way out of the Orenfior's Hall of Private Audience, though the celebration continues on. Neither of us speaks until we've left the Orenfior's dwelling entirely.

"Drat. Someone took my horse back to the stables," Zelphinon observes irritably. "I had hoped we could ride."

"It's just as well. I don't think my legs can take any more riding," I reply honestly. I can't remember being this sore since the first few days after my initial arrival in Andelxiao.

"Walking won't be easier."

"I will do what I have to do. Let's go tell Ansohnya Umathyar—"

"I will talk with her alone. I'm walking you home first."

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