"That's quite devious if you ask me," Hassam said with a smirk on his face, "I have to give you props. I thought they said that of their own free will."

"Why would they do that? Out of the goodness of their cold dead hearts? Those people couldn't care less whether we lived or died."

"Well, now I feel bad for feeling sorry for them," Hassam shook his head, "when I heard they were getting taken after those speeches I felt bad because I finally thought they were doing what's right, not that karma was biting them in the butt."

"I mean don't get me wrong I still feel guilty about it, but it's hard to feel so torn up by it after what they were about to put us through." I rubbed at the back of my neck. Even if they were horrible people they don't deserve what happened.

"Now you see why we think they are up to something? They won't just let this go as it is. They might have held back to give us a false sense of security. All I'm hearing is that next time you go out we have to be extra cautious." Pixis said, turning to Hassam.

"You really think they are going to try something?"

"I know they are." Pixis nodded.

"We will just have to be ready for anything," I said before sitting back and starting to brainstorm.

"Well, what should I do?" Hassam asked, realizing this next part of the conversation was way out of his league.

"You need to start getting more stories from everyone right? I mean you shared Pixis's story last time, and also how the government tried to kill you, but your going to need another one right?" I asked and he nodded.

"That's right, who do you think would be willing to tell me a story about their life that would be okay to share?"

I looked at Pixis and I could tell we both had the same idea. "Go to Molbit," We both said before I continued. "ask him to tell you more about Ilsa. I'm sure he would love to get her story out there."

"Not to mention her story would be great to get people to open their eyes. She wasn't an exile, she was a normal person just trying to live her life until she was kidnapped, tortured, and killed," Pixis said, his teeth clenching at the end as he forced out the rest of the words.

"You told me a little bit about her during our meeting, but I wasn't able to use specifics with the short time I had to tell your story."

"Then hers will be perfect, it's sure to get people to realize how wrong all of this is. She was a good person who didn't deserve any of this." Pixis got really quiet as he shook his head. I could tell Ilsa's death was still affecting him, I mean it's still affecting all of us. Reiner's death even more so. Neither of them deserved it, yet here they are six feet deep because the world can't realize its own issues.

"Are you guys okay?" Hassam asked. We had both gone quiet being trapped in our thoughts

"We're fine," Pixis cleared his throat.

"We need to start planning, we will fill you in on the details after we get some fleshed-out ideas," I said, also clearing my throat sitting up straighter in the chair.

Pixis passed me the notepad without me even having to ask. Hassam just nodded "what should I do if Molbit is asleep.

"If he's asleep then you should go to bed and try and talk to him in the morning, we will probably be here all night," Pixis responded.

"What about you two?"

"Yeah, I mean I just woke up, I'm not going to bed any time soon, and he's a workaholic."

Pixis just shot me a small glare before rolling his eyes, "I just want to make sure everyone's safe, that doesn't make me a workaholic."

"Tomato, tomato," I shrugged.

"The saying is tomato tomahto," Pixis shook his head.

"Yeah but that pisses me off saying that because it's pronounced different, but if you say tomato tomato then it's exactly the same which is the whole point."

Hassam just started laughing before apologizing, "sorry, but man if the rest of the world could see what I could then they would see just how human you all are," he took a deep breath and excused himself to check and see if Molbit was awake.

"I mean he's got a point, if people see how we interact they could see we are the same."

"Whatever you're thinking, drop it," Pixis rolled his eyes.

"I'm not thinking about anything... yet."

"We aren't going to video anything," Pixis struck down the idea before I could even pitch it.

"It's just a thought."

"A bad one."

"Fine, let's get to planning," I said, getting us back on track.

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