"Do I even have to ask how your alive?" I chuckled.

"Katherine" we said in sync.

He then grabbed my face between his hands. We smirked at each other and embraced one another again.

"My dear sister" he whispered brushing the hair from my face.

"Stefanie" I said as he leaned his forehead against mine.

"My sister" he said then giving me another bone-crushing hug laughing together and he let out a happy groan picking me up slightly.

"What are you doing here of all places. God Stef I can't believe this?" I asked shocked.

I think if my heart worked it would have been on the floor by now.

"I'm with my lady, and her brothers. I'm so happy your alive sister I-I can't believe this" he said.

I smiled then my eyes widened as I let out an exaggerated gasp he rolled his eyes playfully knowing I caught the first part of his sentence.

"You have a girlfriend" I said dramatically then hitting his chest playfully.

"Where is she" I whispered smirking glancing around the bar.

"Shh shh" he said taking my arms.

"She's here probably listening to us along with her brothers. There quite nosy" he said and smirked they must be listening and that means there vampires.

I rose my eyebrows pulling back a smirk imagine what she thought was actually going on until Stefan called me his sister? Hahaha

Stefan and I got our own booth and spent a while talking and laughing about his past. I can't believe this I'm so happy he wouldn't stop asking and didn't let me leave at all for the bathroom I wasn't going anywhere.

He's still the overprotective brother he always was. He keeps asking about my past but I'm way to interested in his.

But my god he really has changed I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing he's told me about him being a ripper and it sort of scares me but I've just got him back I'm not going to let him go again.

He told me Damon was dead and that broke my heart into one million pieces. But I can't mourn now I've wasted too much time mourning, but I will love Damon forever and I will never forget him.

"Hello Stefan" a female voice said from behind me I can already tell it must be his lady.

"Rebekah darling I'm sorry I've been gone for so long there's someone I want you to meet" he said standing up.

I stood up and faced her she was beautiful blonde headed and covered with jewels.

"Hello" I said and she smiled "Hello" she said happily.

"Rebekah this is Aria my little sister" he said and smirked.

"Hello Rebekah, I'm actually his twin" I said shaking my head at Stefan who winked.

She took my hand shaking it "Ah yes I heard about you Stefan's told me many stories of your childhood together. I'm happy your not dead. " she smirked thank god she's nice! I was expecting someone petrifying truly.

Stefan's spoke about me? That warmed my heart.

"God Stefan our childhood was an embarrassment" I sighed chuckling.

"Well I'm sure your adult hood is worse you'll have to tell me everything" he smirked.

"Aria it's so great to meet you" she said.

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now