Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

“Keep going,” whispered Archer, who had decided it was best to do the job quickly.


Once they were all at the top of the driveway, they looked around and could see five black cars parked along the large circular drop off bay.

Dan and Ryan had made up their minds and said early they would rather stand guard, so Dan walked up to the front door and stood there, while Ryan walked over to one side of the house and looked down the side.

Archer grinned as he took out a can of spray paint.

“Pink, Lachlan’s favourite,” chuckled Alex, who went up to one of the cars.

Archer, Alex and Tyler started to spray paint the black cars with the pink paint, while Seth went up to another car and put small holes in the tyres.

“This one doesn’t need spray paint, let them think we left one undamaged,” smirked Seth.

The boys continued to spray paint all kinds of obscene language across the cars, and Seth began to cut a few wires inside the bonnet of the last car.

After ten minutes, they stood back to admire their work. All four cars were covered in pink spray paint: one had ‘Barbie Girl’ plastered all over its exterior, while the other three had all kinds of language (that should not be repeated in this story!).  The last car looked fairly normal, but had its tyres flat and certain parts of the inside removed. Tyler went up to it and pulled out some superglue he happened to be carrying with him and put lots of it under the handles of the car.

“See, I knew you had evil in you,” laughed Archer, who waved for Dan and Ryan to stop standing guard.

Dan and Ryan walked over to where Archer and the others were, looking a little worried, yet still had small smiles on their faces.

“Artistic,” commented Ryan.

Dan nodded in agreement.

“We should go now though,” said Seth, who wanted to put the icing on the cake.

The boys jogged down the driveway and hurried past the entrance, ready to hit a particular club.


Marian and Lucy had been waiting in the line for a good half hour and were close to the front.

Marian seemed a little more relaxed than she had before, but stiffened when she heard laughter from down the line.

She grabbed Lucy’s hand and pulled her closer.

“Lachlan’s here,” she whispered.

Lucy looked baffled and stole a glance down the line.

“Yeah, you’re right,” she replied grimly. “And he’s not lining up either.”

Marian looked confused.

“How?” asked Marian, who feared the worst.

Lucy looked thoughtful.

“He probably has part ownership or something.”

Marian groaned, he was getting closer and she really did not want him to see her or Lucy. Even though he did not know her second identity, being so close to the man who had killed a friend of hers made her sick and angry at the same time.

She quickly hid behind another couple with Lucy just as he walked past, hoping he would not see her.

Lucy squeezed her hand tightly as they looked to see him standing at the club’s entrance.

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