Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 45

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 45

After two long and painful hours of being frisked for bombs and weapons; having the plane’s insides looked at and scanning the boys’ luggage, officers were convinced they posed no threat to the safety of the base, even though they had been carrying guns with them.

They were taken into a separate part from the base and were told to wait until the General greeted them. The boys sat around a large circular table and glanced at each other, wondering how long it would be before they could talk to General Crosgrove.

Thankfully, after ten minutes of waiting in the room, they heard the creaking of a door handle as the General stepped into the room. He shut the door behind him and sat down at the only remaining seat and glanced around at the table, a worried look playing on his face.

“Firstly, who are these two other people?” asked the general, pointing at both Lucas and Hamish. “I don’t remember them.”

“This is Lucas and Hamish,” said Archer. “It’s a long story, so if we could start from the beginning, it will make things clearer for you.”

“Then start,” said the general, placing his hands on the table.

Archer took a deep breath, hoping the general would take everything he said seriously.

“After returning home from Afghanistan, we came back to a very different place that had changed since we’d left. Violence and crime was on the rise, and the authorities hadn’t done much to fix this. A few events happened one after another, and soon enough I realised something was very wrong.”

“And what was that?” asked the general.

“There’s a very high-profile criminal organisation that pretty much runs the town in secret. We believe they’ve got connections everywhere.”

The general nodded thoughtfully, taking in what Archer was staying.

“I don’t know if you remember a girl I would often talk about, but her name is Mari-”

“Marian, the love of your life,” smiled the general.

Archer nodded quickly.

“Yes, Marian. Anyway, a man started to see her and became fascinated with her. He is the one behind the criminal organisation, the one who has been causing problems, not just ones close to home.”

“What is his name?” asked the general, his facial features going completely serious.

“Lachlan,” replied Archer, pulling out a scrap of paper and opening it. “This is the symbol that his organisation identifies with; all his men are supposed to tattoo it onto their arms.”

The general took it off him and looked at it closely, frowning at the symbol.

“But why have you come here?” he questioned, looking up into Archer’s eyes.

“When I told you he had been causing problems not just close to home, I meant he is planning something over here. I know this sounds crazy, but if you just let us show you the papers we managed to get, then you will be able to see just what he’s planning on doing.”

The general narrowed his eyes.

“This better not be a joke Archer, I know you were always like that when you were in the army.”

Archer let an exasperated sigh escape his lips.

“I have risked my life to come over here to deliver this message, please allow me to show you the evidence and explain what Lachlan is planning.”

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