Something Worth Fighting For Chapter 10

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Copyright © 2011 preciious-diamondz

Chapter 10

Marian and Lucy were ready to go. They had their purses, which held the most important thing to them – their phones (and for Marian her gun).

“I’m driving,” said Marian.

Lucy groaned.

“Fine, but just be careful. This isn’t the fast and the furious.”

Marian laughed at the remark.

She walked over to the front door and looked at Lucy.


Her friend nodded.

They walked out the door, with Lucy locking it behind them.

Marian went over to the car and hopped in the driver’s side, waiting for Lucy to get it.

As soon as they both had seatbelts on, Marian revved the engine and tore out of the driveway.

“Slow down!” screeched Lucy, who just for the record – hated Marian’s driving.

Marian didn’t seem to hear her and sped down the street.


Archer and his friends were getting ready for what they were going to do that night.

Alex had said black hoodies would be a good way to remain at least partly unidentifiable when they carried out their plan.

So there they were, hiding in an alley close to Lachlan’s house.

“So when we see him leave, that’s the signal to run up his long driveway and ‘decorate’ the cars that are parked outside the mansion. Got it?” said Archer, who was slipping on his hoodie.

The boys nodded as they put theirs on too.


“Dressed to impress,” commented Guy, who was standing near the front door.

“Yeah, now where are the other two men?” asked Lachlan.

“They’re already in one of the cars waiting for you,” replied Guy, opening the door for Lachlan.

Both men stepped out and locked the door behind them. Lachlan walked ahead of Guy and made his way to the car.

He got in and said to one of the men in the front, “Electric Blue.”

The man nodded and started the engine just as Guy got in the car.

They drove off slowly down the driveway.


“That’s them!” said Tyler.

“Hush!” whispered Alex.

The boys began to creep along the trees that were just outside the entrance of Lachlan’s house.

They heard the car begin to drive out of the property and knew they had to be fast.

They saw the car was out on the open road as it sped off.

“Now!” hissed Archer, who sprinted for the entrance.

The boys followed him, running past the grand entrance. They looked up at the driveway and could not see anyone outside the house. It was a wonder the gate was still left open after the first time they’d gotten into Lachlan’s house.

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