"We don't have time for this" I said looking at Stefan.

"Later" he said glaring at Damon.

"Katherine tried to kill John there must be a reason" Elena said.

"Elena it's Katherine she loves to play games. It's not going to be easy figuring this out" Stefan said.

"Well where is the point in that? I say we ignore the bitch if she thinks she is being ignored she'll make a move" Damon said.

"And what if that move is hurting someone we all care about?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"She won't get a chance because we'll rip her head off" Damon responded.

"How poetic" I said.


So over the past few days so much has happened.

Damon and I found out that Tyler is actually a werewolf didn't see that one coming.

Katherine was dating his uncle because she was in town in search of some magic moonstone.

Mason was his name and he is now dead. Thanks to Damon.

Damon has been up to so much trouble he's lucky I'm around to make sure no one else kills him.

He had a running in with Katherine apparently and she said she always loved Stefan and never him in his anger he went out and tried to get Elena to admit feelings for him when she denied him and said she also would only ever love Stefan he snapped Jeremy's neck.

Jeremy was lucky he was wearing the Gilbert ring it protects him from any supernatural harm.

Stefan's has me by his side keeping me as far away from Katherine as possible. John survived the attack of Katherine and Matt left hospital.

Sadly Matt found out what Caroline was, he hasn't realised the rest of us are vampires to but he broke up with her and she's heartbroken. And if that's not bad enough Katherine has been messing with her for days.

I drew the line with Katherine when she compelled Jenna to stab herself.

"Come on" Damon groaned pulling my legs at the end of the bed and I held onto the bars of the bed.

"No" I wined.

"Move it Caroline is waiting downstairs" he said.

"She's here?!" I jumped up my hair all over the place and Damon burst out laughing.

"Hush up. Your lucky your alive Damon after all the crap you've pulled lately" I said running into the bathroom nearly slipping.

"Hey I said sorry" he said in defence I scoffed.

"Well you break your promise once more I'm disowning you" I said.

"I said I wouldn't attempt anything ever again at Elena. Okay I promised you and Stefan. Okay?" He said and I came out giving him a hug.

We headed downstairs

"Hey girlfriend" she chirped I stopped and gave her a gaped look I hate when she says that it's cringey.

"Here" Damon gave her a glass of blood as I plopped down into the armchair.

"Thanks I'm still shaky" she said wait what happened ?

"What happened?" Stefan asked.

"Go ahead tell him you're gonna love this" Damon said. I really wanted answers now.

"I saw Katherine today" Caroline said.

"Where?!" Stefan and I asked.

I wonder what will happen when I get my hands on her I thought.

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now