Three Salvatores

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Sadly I am very short so I pulled on my heels and put on my makeup.

I look more like my late brother Damon now, when I was young I was practically identical to my twin Stefan with our sallow skin and brown hair.

I was given bright piercing blue eyes and he had a hazel nut colour in his. Sadly their faces are beginning to fade in my memory.

I'm in need of a drink and I guess I'll have to learn the maps of this town. I grabbed my phone and locked up the house then made my way into town.

The sky was as blue as my eyes shimmering down as my heels clicked on the pavement.

I've gotten better being around people long as they don't show any blood I'm fine.

That place looks nice a little place called Mystic Grill the names here aren't very original.

Mystic Falls, Mystic Grill, Mystic Highschool?

I headed straight in and received looks from a lot of people. They spoke about me but I ignored them...tried.

"Woah she's hot" "Who's the new girl?" "I hate her!"

Teenagers these days are horrid and brains with no imagination. I noticed a bar tender with blondish hair and big blue eyes working his way at the bar.

I smiled walking up and sitting down on the stool.

"Hi can I have a bourbon please?" I asked the nice looking bartender.

He looked at me with a hint of a grin cocking an eyebrow "Hi can I see your I.D?" He asked.

"Trust me I'm old enough." I said with a light chuckle he smiled walking over. I'm cursed with looking so young and my height doesn't help.

"I'm sorry I can't" he said leaning against the bar. He was looking at me like he was examining me.

"Sorry but eh-um have I seen you here before?" He narrowed his eyes smiling with a chuckle.

"I just got into town so I don't think so" I said looking at his name tag.

"I'm Matt, your sure you've never been here before you look seriously familiar?" he said I then noticed he was wearing a vervain bracelet.

There must be vampires in this town and he clearly knows about it or he's being protected by someone else.

I then noticed he was beginning to make me a bourbon. Smooth.

"Just don't tell my boss" he said giving it to me and I smiled widely. He began to wipe the table beside me.

"So your new here?" He asked and I smiled he seems like a genuinely nice guy.

"Yes I only got in today. This town is quite the talk" I said and he chuckled agreeing with me.

This bar was nice not to shabby I looked around seeing normal everyday people when I noticed a blonde vampire with a tanned girl sitting at a table a witch, they haven't noticed me.

"Thanks for being nice to me" I said to Matt looking at a group of these boys that were waving at me childish like and asking me to come over.

Men these days are rare to find its all greedy little boys.

"Well you seem nice to be nice to. Also ignore them guys there idiots" he said I smiled.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Guess?" I asked sipping my drink.

"Oh no I'm not playing games I gave you a drink now fairs fair what's the name?" He said and I sighed.

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin