"Climb onto my back Sir!"

Start from the beginning

"Maybe I could take a ten minute nap." You said yawning.

"Ooh! There is some food here!" Uraraka called out.

"Coming!" You called out running to the food. Behind you, Bakugo shook his head in amusement at his girlfriend's antics.

"All heroes be on alert, villains have attacked the city leaving it in ruins. Citizens are still trapped in the buildings and rescue is being delayed, all heroes are to take charge of rescue until help arrives." Yokumiru's voice rang out. 

"Here goes nothing." You muttered.

At that moment, the walls were brought down and the students ran towards the buildings.

You ran ahead and started following Midoriya and your other friends towards the nearest disaster site.

"Over there!" Iida called out.

Sure enough, there was a crying kid sitting next to an old man.

"Help! My grandfather got caught under the rubble and I can't get him out!" The kid cried out.

"This looks bad!" Midoriya said.

"Minus 1 point!" The kid suddenly cried out.

"H-huh?!" Midoriya cried out confused.

"You seriously came here to only comment about how bad it looks and not check whether I'm hurt or bleeding? You should check whether I can breathe or walk!" The kid continued.

"If you really want that Provisional License, you must be able to access the situation and condition of the victim and take instant action! You must also be tolerant to pain, fear, and anxiety. Imagine how a victim would feel if you go up to them and immediately say how bad it looks? Take All Might for example, whenever he comes to the rescue, he tells everyone not to worry." 

Midoriya was silent for a second before putting a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you!" 

Immediately the kid went back to crying and sobbing, begging you and your group to save his grandpa.

"Don't worry, we will get him out!" Midoriya said, calming the child as you checked the kid's head where 'blood' was coming from.

"It appears his head is injured. Bring him to the first-aid station." You explained.

Midoriya nodded and activated his quirk and blasting off.

Your attention immediately went back to the senior under the rubble.

"This will be easy, I can just make the rubble float!" Uraraka said.

"Don't! The rubble will collapse on him!" Momo cried out as she stopped Uraraka.

Sure enough, there were two huge pieces of rubble leaning on one another as support. If one was pulled out the other would fall on top of the grandpa.

"I will make a pillar and Sero can tape it to support it. Uraraka can slowly remove the rubble after that." Momo said.

Your friends got to work, you felt pretty useless standing there to be honest.

"We should split up, we can save more people like that!" Iida suggested.

You nodded in agreement and started listening for any sounds.

"Over there! I can hear a citizen!" You pointed towards the rubble nearby.

You, Iida, Aoyama, and Mineta rushed towards the area you pointed to.

"I will turn into a dog and sneak under there to check the victim's condition. Aoyama can provide light." You said turning into a dog and running under the rubble.

It was pitch black for a bit before Aoyama activated his quirk and you could see the victim.

"A dog?" The victim muttered as you crawled forward and started checking the man's body.

Once finished, you used your paw and boop the man's nose lightly before crawling out.

"The man is fine except for a cut on his leg." You reported to Iida.

"Okay! We will have Aoyama continue providing light, me and Mineta will focus on lifting the rubble and Y/N can provide assistance to carry the man out!" Iida ordered.

Soon enough, the rubble was lifted and you quickly approached the man.

"Can you stand sir? Does anything seem to block you from breathing?" You quickly asked.

"No everything is fine, I just have a wound on my leg." The man explain.

"Okay, climb onto my back Sir! Everything would be fine and I can get you to safety!" You said as you flashed a smile at the man.

"Very well done, you have rescued me and checked if I was okay. Everyone here has a good understanding of each other quirks and have worked together without hesitation, 5 points to each of you!" The man said before hopping onto your back.

"Go find some more people Iida! I will drop him off at the first aid site!" You said before jogging off.

Enjoy the good times while u my readers, when season 4 starts...
Ehehehe >:D


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