Chapter 63

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Ms. Steven's POV

I walk through the door of our house, grocery bags in my hands. "Shiranda, I'm home." I call out to her. I wait, but she doesn't emerge from anywhere.

Hm. That's weird.

I put down the groceries and head to our room. I find her, sprawled out on the bed, eyes closed.

Alarm bells go off in my head, and I immediately rush over to her. "Shiranda, wake up!" I say, frantically shaking her.

She's unresponsive. I check for a pulse. It's there, but she's barely breathing. I hurriedly rummage through the drawer then the nightstand.

I find an empty pill bottle, examining it as it's in my hand. I instantly call 911, and eventually, we make another trip to the hospital.


"What the fuck, Shiranda?" "I know you're mad at me for having to have my stomach pumped again, but my psychiatrist prescribed me more medication and upped my dosage, and my depression just....yeah."

"Why on EARTH would he give someone that he knows is suicidal and depressed MORE medication?!"

"I don't know." "You're seeing a different psychiatrist. ASAP. And, so, were you gonna tell me this? Or were you just gonna leave me in the dark?" I say with a frown.

"I was gonna say something, I just didn't know how," She looks down before looking back at me. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yes. Go ahead." "The first time you found me, it wasn't just because of my mom. It was because Shayla kept telling me that I'm in love with you, and I just couldn't face that. I wanted to be numb and get away from it all."


I don't know what to do with this information. So she also did drugs because of me?

"W-Why are you telling me this?" "Because I feel guilty. You always want to know why I do these things, so I felt like you should know. I didn't give you the whole truth."

"So what is it now? Is it me still?" "No, no. Absolutely not," She immediately says, quickly shaking her head. "I love you, Aurora. I've come to terms with it now, and you make me happy. It's really just my mom this time."

"Are you sure? Are you sure you don't wanna stop this, whatever we have going on?" I say in a worried tone.

"I'm positive. The thought of not having you would really kill me. I need you in my life, Aurora. You know that."

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