Chapter 32

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Ms. Stevens' POV

   There's a knock on the door.  "Uh, come in, I guess."  I hesitantly say.  Deena walks through the door.

She sits down on the bed.  "Well what's goin' on here?"  She lowly says.

"She wanted to lay down on me after she told me that her mom died."  I respond at the same volume.

Shiranda is actually really cute when she's sleeping.  She sleeps in fetal position, and it really is very telling when it comes to her personality.

It usually implies that someone is introverted, shy, and sensitive, and a desire to protect oneself.  People that sleep in fetal position are usually tough on the outside, but big softies on the inside.

That describes Shiranda to the tee.

Her face is heavenly as she sleeps.  She looks like a sweet little angel.  Poor baby must be tired.

"Y'know, y'all look cute together.  Especially with the way you're stroking her hair."

"Uh.....I don't really know what to say to that."  "I wouldn't expect you to,"  She says, a one-sided smile on her face.  "Did she tell you that our mom's death is the reason why she lives with me?"

"Yeah, and she also told me that she doesn't know who her dad is."  "Yeah, it's kinda sad.  We have a hunch as to who it is, but there's never been a DNA test.  I was fortunate enough to have mine in my life."

"Wait, you have two different dads?"  "Yep.  Same vagina, different nuts."  I smile.  "Only you would put it that way."

She smiles back.  "Ain't that why you love me?"  "True.  Does she ever want to meet her dad?"

"She did at first, but after him missing 18 years of her life, she kinda didn't see a point in it.  I mean, I get it, though.  That man could be anywhere.  He could be anybody, and we'd never know who."

"It must've sucked to not grow up with both parents.  I still have both of mine."

"Well, at least she did have Ma, and now she has me.  I honestly feel like I'm her second mom sometimes.  As far as a dad goes, my dad actually has quite a bit of money, and I always take her with me to go to his mansion whenever I visit him.  He loves her like she's his own daughter."

"That's amazing.  I'm glad she has support in her life.  You do a great job, Deena, and you'd make a great mom."

She smiles.  "Thanks, Aurora.  Shiranda is enough for me, though.  I don't want kids.  I'd get fur babies, though.  Say, do you wanna be support for Shiranda as well?

"Yeah.  Actually, I do.  Look, I know we've come a long way for her to get comfortable with me to some degree, but if something were to happen to her, I'd be genuinely concerned."

A smirk grows on her face.  "So you care about her?"  "In a roundabout way.......yeah, I really do."

"Ooooooooooo, such a smitten kitten."  "Pffff.  Let's not go that far.  But what I will say is that I'm her teacher, and of course I'm going to care about my student."

"Alright, Ms. Stevens."

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