Chapter 30

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Shiranda's POV

   Another Monday again, and I'm currently in the library during lunch, peacefully reading the book that I checked out.

It has a really good plot so far.  Marie gets drunk at a party one night and ends up sleeping with a girl, which eventually wakes up some lesbian things inside of her.  It's preposterous to her, though, because she's supposedly straight.

The girl that she slept with, Margo, is somehow envisioned in my head as a hot goth.

Just when I'm about to turn the page, Kiera's voice interrupts me.  "You read books?"  "Yeah, just a hobby.  I normally read them electronically."

"Did you eat lunch yet?"  "The menu is absolutely shitty today.  They ain't got anything I want."

"Well, I need to talk to you."  Oh boy.  Here we go.  "I need to talk to you" are words that most likely never end well.

I look up from my book and into her eyes.  "Yeah?"  She sits down.  "Ok, so, where do we stand?"

"What do you mean?"  "Like, what are we?"  "We're casual.  We're not together, but there's something there, y'know?  What made you ask me that?"

"Well, Ms. Stevens said that I should ask you."  And why in the fuck would she do that?

She didn't say anything about the kisses, did she?  .......Nah.  I don't think she'd be stupid enough to do something like that.

"I don't know why she would do that, but I'll talk to her."


"AURORA, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!"  I scream, anger running through my veins.

Seconds later, she's walking through my door and sitting on my bed.  "Yeah, angry one?"

"Why in the fuck did Kiera come to me, askin' where we stand?"  "I told her she should see if y'all are on the same page."

"WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT?  I don't need her coming to me about ANYTHING.  That puts more stress on me."

"Hey, she was the one acting all possessive and being all bitchy.  She told me that you're hers, I could never have you, and basically threatened to knock me out.  So of course, I retorted."

I'm silent for a few moments, feeling kinda stupid as I take in the new information.

"Still mad at me for it?"  She questions.  I let out a deep sigh, my head down.  "No."

"Don't you feel some type of way about that?  I mean, I would."  I put my hand on my head, lifting my head up.

"Yeah.  This shit is gettin' annoyin'.  I've never told Kiera that I'm hers, and now she's being possessive and threatening you.  I'm sorry she did that, and I'm sorry that I got mad at you before hearing you out."

"Apologies accepted.  I mean, it's understandable why you would."  "You didn't say anything about the kisses to her, did you?"

"And implicate myself in some illegal shit?  Hell nah."  "Whew.  I thought I had something to worry about for a second."

"Come on, Shiranda.  I'm not dumb.  People like Kiera could never know.  She'd get me fired so quick."

"I'm gonna talk to her.  She shouldn't have did that to you."  "She better get in check.  I'm so close to flaming her little ass."

I giggle at her.  "Noted."

Adoring Ms. StevensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora