Maria suddenly beamed, her bright brown eyes sparkling as she zoomed inside the vents, glancing around the surprisingly spacious space in awe. "Wow we have vents as secret pathways around the school?! You should've tell me earlier. This will make stalking people and sneaking into locked rooms much easier!" Gary followed inside, closing the vent flap behind him cautiously.

They continued to crawl through the spacious vents, past air ducts and some humidifiers. Sometimes the vents linked in with fans, filters and fire dampers, leading to various different pathways but Billie didn't seem fazed, he knew exactly where he was headed. It was as if certain objects were signs leading the way to your destination. "We're nearly there. We're in the library now," Billie whispered, pointing at a small vent to his left.

Maria stopped crawling and sat down with her legs bent. She squinted her eyes and peered into the vent, dim lights knifing through the striped vent and making her brown eyes shine. "Holy sh*t Billie you're right we're in the school library! I can see the reception desk from here. In fact, I can see everything! This is amazing!!" "Hurry up and get moving. Be quiet or others might hear us." Gary sighed.

Maria frowned and continued crawling, only to pause and turned her head back. She gave Gary a smug smile. "You enjoy what you're seeing?" Maria asked with a seductive wink, "you are a naughty boy Gary. You could've just say to me I have a nice ass." Gary paused before realising he was behind Maria crawling through the vents in all fours. Gary immediately frowned at Maria. "What the hell is wrong with you?! I'd never do something so indecent!" Gary fumed, feeling his face heating up at a concerning rate.

Maria in return huffed. "So you're telling me you prefer boobs over ass huh." Gary mentally gave Maria a bonk on the head. If she talks like this around Sherry, Gary would've silenced her violently. "Shut the f*ck up. No I don't!" Gary barked. "I guess nothing can match your love for dead bodies..." Maria sighed, "what do you see in them to get wet anyways?" "Shut the f*ck up Maria Billie can hear you. If you don't I will smack you," Gary snarled. Maria gave Gary a suggestive wink. Gary frowned dropped even more if that's even possible. "Gary if you wanna hit me, smack my ass." "I will kill you." "*gasp* You're going to turn me into a corpse so you can love me?! You're really into dead bodies huh. Case closed for real this time~!"

Gary wasn't even going to bicker back. Maria's too powerful and experienced with her creative and colourful vulgar insults and innuendos. "We're here!" Billie ahead exclaimed happily. Gary gave Billie a pat on the head internally, happy to finally get out of this nightmare.

After Billie and Maria, Gary crawled out of the vents and looked around, finding himself inside the Archives. More specifically the upstairs of the archives; a small dainty balcony with books and crannies of important school documents. Billie grinned as soon as he saw the look of awe on Gary and Maria's faces.

A smile crept up Gary's face. He understood why Billie enjoyed going to the Archives so much. The various methods of getting inside seemed fun, the documents were interesting and confidential, risks of getting caught were high but the thrill of playing cops n' robbers was worth the run. Maria skimmed through shelves of video tapes of security cameras, grinning. "This can make investigating easier!"

"Geez! You're telling me to wait in here?!"

Maria, Gary and Billie's smiles immediately dropped, realising someone else was in the archives too. Who else would know about the archives other than Quintessentials and a small number of school staffs? Slowly and cautiously, Gary, Maria and Billie crept onto the ground, staying low. They slowly crawled to the edge of the semi-circle balcony and watched the events unfold below them.

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