"What a love story!"

Start from the beginning

"There isn't anyone here. No one could have entered and exited." Iida confirmed.

"That means that one of the hostages could be the killer!" You concluded.

"Right, which one of you damn idiots murdered this man?" Bakugo said grabbing Present Mic.

"Bakugo! We should interrogate them instead of threatening them!" Iida said.

"Let's ask Cementoss first." You suggested.

"I am just the store clerk, I was just selling jewelry like normal but this robber came in and tied me up!" He said.

Present Mic was up next.

"I was buying jewelry when the robber attacked! I was so scared and before I knew it, I was tied up!" He said dramatically.

"Cementoss, can you confirmed that Present Mic was buying jewelry?" Midoriya asked.

Cementoss nodded his head.

Finally it was Midnight.

"I just wanted to buy some jewelry, I walked into the shop and saw this two man knocked out and tied up! Before I knew it I was tied up too!" Midnight said.

Midoriya and Uraraka tooked their wallets and bags and confirmed that they did have enough money to buy jewelry.

"This is taking too damn long! I know one of you guys killed this guy here for the jewelry so spit it out!" Bakugo yelled.

"It can't be though," Tsuyu said. "It will be too reckless to kill in the store." 

"And the stolen jewelry hasn't been moved." Todoroki added.

"Then who could it be?" You muttered. "This is hurting my brain way too much!" 

"But why would the robber barricade himself in if he wanted to escape?" Midoriya asked.

"The police was called, remember?" You said.

"But who could called? The hostages were tied up, its only possible if someone from outside saw the incident but there isn't anyone near for that." He muttered. "Unless..."

"Unless what, Deku?" Uraraka asked.

"Midnight called the police, she was the last one in the jewelry store. She must have known about the robbery!" Midoriya concluded.

"So you killed that damn robber huh?" Bakugo said stepping towards Midnight threatenly.

"Would you please stop playing bad cop, Bakugo?" You groaned.

"No, Midnight didn't killed him." Midoriya said.

"She most probably knew him prior to the robbery, most probably a relationship." He started.

"Wait a minute, is it like a love thing?" You asked.

"Most probably," Midoriya replied. "She most probably wanted him to change his ways so she called the police and went into the store to persuade the robber to turn himself in. Instead the robber tied her up and killed himself so their relationship won't be exposed."

"What a love story!" You said leaning backwards for a fake faint, half expecting Bakugo to catch you.

Instead he side stepped away and you fell.

"YOU IDIOT!" You complained.

"How romantic!" Uraraka said.

"So it was a suicide." Todoroki concluded.

"And so you are telling me I wasted my whole damn morning just for a love story?" Bakugo grumbled.

"Well done." Mr. Aizawa said walking into the building.

"Midoriya, I'm impressed with your analyzation, therefore you guys get zero points."

"HUH?" All of you said.

"You guys missed out an important detail." Mr. Aizawa said.

All seven of you turned around to see where All Might was supposed to be was empty.

"HAHA!" You turned to see All Might running off from afar.

"He was actually still alive, he tried to hint to you guys when Tsuyu tickled him but you guys brushed it off, enjoy your holidays." Mr. Aizawa said.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" Bakugo yelled in fustration while you laughed aloud.


"What we thought was a love story turned out to be a one-sided story! Sounds so much like love nowadays!" You chuckled.

Bakugo was bothered by that statement, were you hinting something? Did you know how he felt and was hinting that you don't feel the same? 

In reality you didn't know a thing and was just laughing at the story while the rest of your friends just stared at All Might retreating form in shock.


I was watching the sport festival on the T.V in my agency, hopefully there will be some manly student I can get.

"NEXT UP, YUKI TADASHI!" The announcer announced.

I looked up to analyze the student only to be greeted with shock.

She looked like Y/N, the ears, the smile.

What the hell is going on?

"I must be imagining stuff." I muttered to myself and rubbed my temples.

I looked up to see Tadashi smiling victoriously with her opponent taken down.

I shook my head, it was impossible, she has been dead for seventeen years. Why the hell is there a girl that looked like her?

I watched as the girl won all her matches resulting in first place.



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