"My brain bout to short circuit too"

Start from the beginning

Don't tell me-

"Midoriya, Bakugo, Y/N, you are going to be that team to fight All Might, you will go last." Mr. Aizawa said and you groaned.

"But sir, Midoriya and Bakugo is going to fight each other instead of helping me with All Might!" You complained.

"This is for the sake of teamwork so shut up." Mr. Aizawa said glaring at you and you nodded sadly.

You looked over at Bakugo and Midoriya who didn't seemed very happy about the choice too. You sigh and headed over to the viewing area to watch Kirishima and Sato's match first since there won't be any strategizing with that team you got.

Midoriya seemed insistent to get along with Bakugo for once but Bakugo just pushed him away and stormed off.

We are so dead


It was now Uraraka and Aoyama's match, so far you classmates did well except for Kirishima and Sato, they both failed and were really upset about it but they soon got over it.

You watch the screen with Midoriya, Iida, and Tsuyu as Uraraka and Aoyama held on tight to the railings of a fence while Thirteen sucked in stuff with her blackhole quirk.

"They are going to fail if they don't do something." Iida said.

He was right, they couldn't go anywhere and Thirteen's blackhole quirk was very powerful, she could possibly kill people if she wanted to.

That was when Aoyama turned to Uraraka and said something to her. Her face turned bright red and she let go of the railing.

"HOLY SHIT WHAT IS AOYAMA THINKING!" You yelled as you watched your friend get sucked towards Thirteen.

Thankfully Thirteen shut off her quirk and Uraraka did some martial arts moves that she learned from her internship and handcuffing Thirteen with the handcuffs that were given to the students.

"They passed!" Midoriya cheered.

"I wondered what Aoyama said to Uraraka though, she seemed pretty flustered." Tsuyu said.

You looked at Midoriya and thought of how close he and Uraraka was. Your brain connected the dots, you smirked.

"Yea, I wonder." You said smirking like an idiot.

"Do you know something, Y/N?" Iida questioned.

"You guys will figure it out sooner or later." You replied.

Next up was Mina and Kaminari, they were up against Principle Nezu. You were worried about them.

You watch on the screen as Mina and Kaminari ran and Principle Nezu just sat on a crane and destroyed buildings blocking their paths.

Eventually the time ran out and they failed.

"Poor them." You muttered watching the screen.

You continued watching your friends, proud that some of them passed and upset when Sero didn't make it.

Finally it was your group turn.

"This is so not going to end well." You said to Midoriya as the both of you walked to the gates.

"Yea, Kacchan doesn't even want to talk about strategies." Midoriya said. "Although I think the best way to win is to run from All Might." 

You readily agreed to Midoriya's plan, after all you weren't planning to die.

"I don't think Bakugo will like that idea though." You said scratching your head. "He will most probably fight All Might instead."

"You're right." Midoriya muttered.

An idea popped in your head, it sounded ridiculous but if the three of you wants to pass, you will need to do it.

"Or, one of us can capture Bakugo and carry his fighting body to the exit." You said.

"That might work." Midoriya said.

The both of you arrived at the gates to see that Bakugo was already at the gates waiting.

"Kacchan! Me and Y/N have a plan!" Midoriya said but Bakugo ignored him.

"C'mon you porcupine! Listen to the plan!" You said tugging his hand.

Although Bakugo did have feelings for you, there was no way in hell would he listen to you and the stupid Deku's plan.

So Bakugo ignored the both of you causing you to groan.

"You are such an asshole." You grumbled as the gates opened for the three of you.


I sat in my agency, not bothering about the sport festival that was playing on the T.V in the background.

Why bother getting some stupid interns anyways, they are stupid.

That was when I got a call from that stupid Deku, as much as I hated him, he might need help.

"What do you want you idiot." I said to the phone.

"H-hey Kacchan, have you seen the sport festival? The student up there might interest you." Deku said.

I sigh and looked up on the T.V and saw two first years fighting.

My eyes widen.

One of the students looked like Y/N, they had the same dog ears although their power just seemed to be water, no fire.

She had the same smile as her, the same confidence.

I watched as the student took down her opponent.

"Yuki Tadashi is the winner!" The annoucer said

(I'm sorry idk how to choose names) 

I watched as she chuckled and helped up her classmate, then she smiled and skipped of the stage.

Everything about her was the same as Y/N.

Her smile, that chuckle, the ears, the confidence.

Hell even her quirk was similar!

"I got to go." I said to Deku and hung up.

I spent the rest of the day watching as Tadashi won every single fight and won first place.

That victory smile.

Could it be?

Wohoho who do we have here? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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