Chapter 19

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Naina is standing in the shower and water is running down. Her eyes are closed and she is reliving those horrifying memories.

Rajveer was sitting outside with his head in his hands. He can't believe what they have gone through today. Never in his dreams he thought that he would see Naina today in that situation.

Everything went into a daze after he got hold of Naina. The backup team arrived in few minutes and Col. Chandra relieved Rajveer to leave along with Naina. They were dropped by someone from the backup team itself as Rajveer is not in the condition to drive.

His clothes are still drenched in blood. Naina didn't said a word to him after coming home but directly head to the washroom. He can hear the water running but nothing else.

After some time Rajveer got worried and decided to check on Naina. He knocked on the door but no reply came back so he pushed the door open. It wasn't properly locked from inside.

What he saw made his heart cry. Naina is simply standing below the shower with eyes closed and shivering lightly.

He immediately took her in his arms and switched off the shower. Naina open her eyes due to contact and he cradled her face in his hands murmured , "Naina".

His soft voice made her recognise him and tears started forming. She clutched him and started crying bitterly. He held her in his arms to support her but his eyes are shedding tears too.

They stood like that for some time trying to let go of all that they went through today. Finally when he felt her being a bit relaxed he turned the tap on.

Slowly but delicately he removed all her blood stained clothes and washed her clean. She is looking at him during all this having no energy in her to do anything. His face have no repulsion or disgust but utter devotion with which he is helping her.

Soon she is all cleaned up and he wrapped her up in a clean white bathrobe. Tied her up and took her in his arms. She didn't resisted any of his acts but seeing him take care of her like that brought fresh tears in her eyes.

He put her to bed. Brought fresh pair of clothes and made her change. This time she helped him.

Rajveer tucked her in and went to change his clothes as well. He is planning to burn the clothes they wore today, don't want any reminder of it.

Finally he made turmeric milk for both of them and made her drink her glass. She drank while looking at him. His eyes are also moist.

Then he made her lie down, "so jao, Naina. I am sorry you have to go through all this today". His eyes are filled with tears while saying so. Naina wipes his eyes and asked, "kyu Rajveer?"

He looked at her helplessly, "because I love you Naina. Aise tumhe dekh nai sakta mai..."

His eyes are shedding tears and her eyes are looking at him unbelievably. How much she craved to listen these words from him. Her face broke into a smile, a small but genuine one.

He realised what he said and he smiled too looking at her. He pecked lightly on her lips, "so jao Naina. Kal bat karenge".

He turned to leave when she caught his hand. He turned to see her eyes asking him something. He knew what she desires but.....

Rajveer sat besides her stroking her hairs, "Naina... hum abhi bahut traumatic situation se bahar aye hai...we can do it later"

Her hopeful eyes are engulfed with sadness and he can felt his heart wrenching at the sight. He kissed her forehead lightly and it brought some peace to her face.

His lips travelled to her eyes then and drank the tears. She brought her hands to his face touching his cheeks lightly, "please Rajveer. Hume sukoon chahiye.. thoda sa... hum..please"

He couldn't let her finish and his lips met her. They kissed very lightly but deeply.

His hands slowly removed her top and roamed all through her upper body. It's like she is healing with his touch. He kissed every nook and corner of her body.

Unlike all their love making before this one was not driven by passion but utter devotion. He was gentle, soft and delicate towards her like never before.

Soon he slided her pajamas and got rid of his own clothes. He never made himself the priority today. It's her pleasure and needs before him.

He let the excitement build in her slowly and devoured her down there. She squirmed and moaned. Her voice finally made him ready.

He entered her very carefully, not to hurt her at all in the process. He took deep strokes today so that she would be satisfied but not hurt. Soon the room is filled with her fresh moans.

They reached the pinnacle together and she slept in his arms. Although they have been physical so many times but today it's different, it's more peaceful.

They are one in a different sense. It's like their souls are connected somehow.

/* I didn't got 40+ votes in my last update but posting this one anyways.

But I don't understand the engagement issue with my stories suddenly. What is it friends? Are you not liking AASRA? Any suggestions or issues are welcome. It would take just a moment of your's but it would mean a lot to me.

Also I have started a new short story series "snippets of RAINA's honeymoon". Strictly adult but fun series of stories. Give it a chance and let me know how you liked it 😉 */

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