
13.3K 250 654

(That is your profile pic, replace the grey with your hair, skin, and eyes! This is also a humanized version of your Minecraft skin! You can also reimagine your body type)

Gamer Name:



First Name, Last Name (You will be referred to as Y/n) 




April 10, 1998






She/Her, He/Him, They/Them




She's a barista part-time, and college student full time

Mental Disorder(s):



Phonophobia (fear of loud noises)

Astraphobia (Fear of thunder)


Our lovely protagonist is Extroverted. She's a very bubbly person to be around but is also generally chaotic. She's kinda unpredictable all in all. She is very witty, Blunt, sarcastic and flirtatious, most of the time without realizing it. 

Familial Background: 

Our Protagonist is originally from Houston, Texas but has moved from there to go to a college in Brighton. In Houston, she has four younger siblings ages 10, 14, and 16. Her youngest sibling is a boy who loves to talk about cars, in 5th grade, his name is Alexander. At age 14, a girl who is obsessed with drawing, in high school, Her name is Lily. And finally, at Ages 16 we have twins both a boy and a girl, The Girl in love with photography and the boy adoring engineering. Their names were Leyla and and Joey.

Pfft. Nerds.

During holidays, she usually visits her family. But that does not stop her streaming. In her room that she stays in it has a gaming set up and her walls are soundproofed. During these times, she often streams with her family and siblings. 

How you stream 

You do use a face cam but not often! You've kept up with most of the trends in the gaming community, often leaving out games with communities that have proven to be toxic. 

You main Minecraft as a builder (including Redstone), a PVP Goddess, and a parkour warrior

Other games/things you stream are art, Among us, party animals, talking, and occasionally singing. Every two months on Friday, you have a stream starting at midnight that also ends at midnight the next day. These streams consist of everything, from watching animatics and reading stories to playing video games and teaching people on the smp certain skills.

(First post 1/25/2021)

The Gamer Goddess (An X Fem!Reader Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang