File 24: Bonding.txt

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"Are you sure she gonna wake up soon?" A male voice asked 

"I'm sure Dream." A woman replied "She's just tired and now she has someone to comfort her when others aren't here. She hasn't been getting much sleep. She's even overthinking some things." 

"Like?" Dream asked 

"If she's good enough, if she's doing enough for everyone around her, a few... Romantic problems." At this point, Y/n was awake enough to say that this was Sky talking 

"Romantic problems? Does she like someone?" Dream asked "Who?" 

"Ah-" Sky was cut off by Y/n who conveniently woke up to them talking 

"Cold." She muttered as she sat up voice still hoarse as she shivered 

The blond male immediately took off his black and white smiley hoodie and draped it over her 

She popped her head through the hole and her arms too, she sighed at the warmth before standing with a soft smile. The hoodie reached her knees and flopped over her hands. 

"Evening sleepy head. How was your five-hour nap?" Sky teased "It's currently 8:38 p.m." 

"Oh fuck off. You nap for longer." She mumbled, "Have you finished making your ten types of eggs for your midterms?" 

"1, ouch but yes that is correct. Two, Yes I have. Three, Dream is still here and the other three left after they got food. They didn't want to wake you two." Sky said 

That's when Y/n realized Dream was still inside her room while Sky was talking from outside the door. 

"Are not coming inside?" She asked 

"No." She replied quickly 

"She doesn't want to because she might see my face." Dream said which a chuckle "She also keeps saying I'm a 'manipulative bastard.'" 

"I'm sure that's because of lore." She laughed lightly "Sky, We're gonna go out so we can grab food, and then you can have the house to yourself. We're probably gonna stream or just play video games." 

"Okay. Bee is coming over by the way. I'll try to make sure they don't come into your room." Sky said and her footsteps retreated 

"Who's Bee?" Dream asked and opened the door 

"Bee is one of Sky's friends. They're nonbinary. I have a feeling that they dating and sky holding something from me but I won't pry." Y/n rambled as she walked out and into the kitchen to grab the leftovers 

"Your amazing." He mumbled with a soft smile 

"Oh? I'm not sure. I don't feel like I've done enough for my community." She mumbled as she found the food she wanted and went to heat it "I wanna do more." 

She felt arms wrap around her waist and a head bury their face in her neck. She chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. 

"I adore you. I could never stream what you did after you were 'canceled' especially when you had no sleep for three days straight." He murmured "You're so strong but still so open and forgiving. You are truly amazing and god so beautiful. Anyone who has your affections is a lucky person." 

She smiled and leaned into him. "I have to thank you and Wilbur. You two helped my little hobby blow up." She said as the microwave beeped "I owe everything to you two." 

To be honest, she wanted to cry at his sweet words. She let him hold her close and breathed softly. "I love you." She said softly 

"I love you too." He murmured and pressed a small kiss to her cheek before getting their food from the microwave and heading to her room 

The Gamer Goddess (An X Fem!Reader Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن