File 18: The Winners and Lovers.txt

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Whenever they get through all the introductions and she immediately wanted to get rid of Bob7. Something about him creeped her out. So when Austin told her to choose she just hit send. 


Safe: Karl, Quackity, Sapnap

Get rid of bob7 and dispose of the body accordingly

"Wow! That was quick!" He said and opened let text before laughing loudly "Are you trying to murder him? In a game of course twitch." 

"Dispose of the body Austin." She mumbled into her headphone mic "I don't want to see him again." 

"Alrighty! Karl, you are safe! Quackity, you are safe! And Sapnap, You are safe! 

"I'm sorry to say bob7 that you are outta here!" Austin said 

"Sorry, but something about you gave me the creeps." She said shrugging 

"No fair!" George said, "She chose to keep her husbands safe!"

"Oh ho ho? Husbands?" Austin asked 

"Oh gogy," she cooed "Are you jealous? It's simply because they have my heart. If you can steal it from them then go ahead and I'll keep you safe."

Karl cheered and it echoed a bit on both their computers. 

"Are you two in the same house?" Technoblade asked 

She got up and walked over to Karl and hugged him, showing up on his camera. "Did you not watch the MrBeast stream?" She asked and pressed a kiss to Karl's hair "I've been here for three days and I'm going back Tuesday." She said smiling 

"Woah!" Sapnap exclaimed, "Is this allowed?" 

"I think so." Austin said "anyway. Get back to your laptop Artemis and we'll continue." 


"And he chose love!" Austin exclaimed 

The last two people were Eret and Technoblade and to his surprise, Technoblade won. 

The chat was going crazy with a new ship name for them, Bloodmoon. Fitting, she thought. 

"Guess we'll have to go on a date soon huh?" She asked leaning forward with a grin 

He turned flustered and mumbled a yeah. 

"I'll see you on Valentine's day at noon your time?" She asked 

"Okay. I'll see you then." He said and left quickly and Austin informed them that the stream was over 

"He was shy." Y/n spike "It was cute. By the way, what did you chose Eret?" 

"Oh- I chose to host." He said grinning "you had a 50/50 chance and chose the right one. Good job." 

"Hmm, I think it was just luck." She laughed lightly "I can't believe you thought of hosting me. How dare you?" 

"Oh, I dared." He replied and left

She did the same and went to join Karl who was Minecraft with Sapnap and Quackity. She logged on and sat on the floor by Karl with her headphones in. 

"You didn't choose us!" Quackity accused voice auto-tuned 

"I'm sorry my loves, but then I would have been biased. I wanted to give everyone an equal chance." She said with a chuckle "Besides, none of us have a badass ship name like me and Technoblade. Bloodmoon." 

"Well, we could be Lunar Phase!" Karl exclaimed pouting 

"And we could be Venus!" Sapnap mumbled 

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