Q&A answers!

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Tommyinnit Swappie and Epic asked: FAVORITE MCYT?

Easy! Technoblade, Eret, Tubbo, and ranboo

Alexis Has Her Valentines Day Choco asked: Favorite Dream SMP Arc?

That one is hard! But it has to be the election arc! I have so many ideas for that in my other story (ashes please check that out btw!)

stankpop615 asked: Favorite Youtuber in general?

I honestly don't know if I can answer that. I think it'll have to be Teadragon! They stream on YouTube and do art! You people should check them out! Tell them Leah sent you!

marshmallow king asked: can we get a wholesome love square chapter someday? I would die for it c:

btw, who is cuter, Patches or Rat?

possibly???? It might be one of the endings???/


NilZed asked: Sir Billiam or Technoblade?

Quackity or Mexican Dream?

Egg-pire or Pro Omelet?




auroraty asked: What made you want to make this awesome story and also do you have any book recommendations?

Uh- pure impulse and Go check out ANY of the books in my MCYT Library and @Lillianna1125 & @ihaveajuicebox ON WATTPAD PLEASE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 

DαwnWasDead asked: 1. Did anyone or anything inspire you to write this story?

2. What is your favorite Greek God/Goddess and why?

1: I was inspired by Jinx and Delomania as well as a few other writers when I started writing it. I read these stories and wanted to contribute and make a reader who isn't emotionally numb, has been through abuse, or something like that. I mean, a cliche is nice and all but it's a bit overused 

2: I really like the Greek God Poseidon because ever since I was a kid, I've been attached to water, and I also like Artemis, Hestia, Khione, and amphitrite. These are goddesses of the moon and the hunt, The hearth, snow and ice, and the sea. I just really like them.  

Phoenix asked: Now I have to think of good questions-

1. What is your least favorite hero from mythology, doesn’t have to be Greek myths any work :)
2. How do you inspire yourself to write?

1.I don't know. Maybe Helen (or was it Paris?) of troy? I mean, she DID start a whole ass war 

2: how I inspire myself to write is by looking at other works and my overactive imagination. I often tell stories in my head or think about how the plots could go. My mind is usually everywhere but Usually, I gain inspiration from the things around me and what I've seen

Uma Stark asked: 

1. Do you play any games?
2. What are your favorite movies?
3.What is your favorite quote from the Dream SMP?

1. I play Minecraft on my brothers ps4 but outside of that, no not really 

2. My favorite movie is ALL of the Cinderella movie (animated or live-action)

3." You wanna be a hero Tommy? You wanna be a hero? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!" -Technoblade

FennecFox is tired asked:

Question time!
1.Who is your favorite person from the dream SMP
2. What is your favorite anime

​​​​​​1. In general it has to be Technoblade and Eret but as an actor Ranboo and Tommy. 


GhostiPop asked: 

If Techno will be there here's a question for him:
SodiPop: What's your idea on eating toddlers!? I love it!

Technoblade: I'm here, and I've never tried eating a toddler. I might kill orphans but I've never eaten children. 

XxColorxX asked:

oh oh!!
1)whos your fav YouTuber?
2)what inspired you to write?
3)comfort streamer?
4)how are you? are you doing fine?
5)stay safe plz!!
that's all byeby author-chan!!!

1)Technoblade, Ranboo, Eret, Tubbo, and all those clip channels. hands down 

2) What inspired me to write is a multitude of things! From the streams to you guys reading! 

3) my comfort streamers are Eret, Technoblade, Tubbo, Ranboo, Niki, 

4) I'm doing okay! Texas is in a bit of a pickle with the snow though. 

5) I will! Thank you for the concern! Bye, darling! 


Halethquirus asks: what made you start writing? And what do you do for writer's block?

I don't remember what made me start writing exactly but it started on quotev. I think I saw so many stories and communities wanted to be a part of OR I had so many ideas that I couldn't ask people to write so I did it myself. 

And writer's block is hard. Ever since I've joined the MCYT community, I haven't had much writer's block, but when I do, I tend to go online and look up prompts, read other stories and look at images until I can make a vague outline of what I want. 

KitKat asked: who is your favorite MCYT

as stated above, Technoblade, eret, Tubbo and ranboo 

Kit kat asked: let me know if Artemis ever answered any of the following questions-

who were major inspirations for starting a twitch channel?
how old was Artemis when she started streaming?
what is her favorite part of being a streamer?

Artemis: Hey! One of my major aspirations for starting a channel was YouTuber I used to watch. I got twitch because of them so I could watch their streams. I saw how happy they made me and other people, and I wanted to do the same!

I think I started streaming when I was... 12 or 13? I don't remember

my favorite part of being a streamer is my supporters. I know I wouldn't be anywhere without them. They mean the world to me and I adore them! I try and answer any dams that come from fans! 

Hey! I have a new updating schedule! Every Saturday I will update The Gamer Goddess 

And every Sunday I will update Ashes 

(Also, maybe a one-shot book??? That will be updated randomly but have big updates!) 

(Also, Also, Y'all can ask me about Y/ns past, like small details. Like how she met Jessica, how she got used to her dad, anything! It helps build her character a lot more!) 

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