File 12: A Whirlwind.txt

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I will underline this bit!

She opened the door and saw the familiar brown-haired male called Simon. He looked a little confused though. 

"Where-" he started 

"She moved Remember Simon? To France so she could slave over a stove." She said, "How much Hun?" 

"10.57." He said sadly his shoulders slumping a bit 

"Here. Also, have this tip." She said handing him the money and a folded up piece of paper "Thalia wanted me to give it to you. Wanna read it quickly?"

"Yes!" He exclaimed and hurriedly opened the paper "Hey Simon. I'm not good at writing like Y/n but I didn't want you to lose contact with me. I have my number at the bottom of the page and my social media as well. I like you and hope that we can get to know each other a bit more and then possibly date? If you want to contact me. I'll be waiting." 

The male grinned widely and looked at the paper incredulously. "Thanks, Y/n, you're the best." He said and walked around while Y/n shut the door 

"SHE LIKES ME BACK!" Simon yelled his voice muffled but still made the girl flinch 

She shot the purple-haired girl a text telling her she gave it to him and brought the pizza to the counter. 

"Sky! Pizza's here! Also, I have a friend over." She called to the younger girl 

"Okay! That's fine! I'll grab my pizza an-" she stopped short when she saw Wilbur and Y/n swore she saw stars in her eyes 

Wilbur had opened the h/c girl's pizza and was currently trying to stuff his mouth, he stopped short when he saw the blond girl. 

"You're Wilbur soot! I'm a huge fan of yours!" Sky said walking forward with a huge smile 

"Oh- why thank you! It's very nice to meet you." Wilbur said and grabbed a plate serving himself "Im going to excuse myself and head to Y/n's room to eat." 

The two girls watched as he left and exited earshot. "Why didn't you tell me you were friends with The Wilbur Soot!" Sky whisper shouted 

"I did tell you I streamed Minecraft. I just didn't tell you how big I was in the community. Which still isn't that big, im barely hitting 1 mil." Y/n said, "and I didn't think it was important or that he would show up!" 

"I- that's a valid point. Sorry about that. It's not every day that you find out your roommate is famous and connected to some of your comfort streamers." She said 

"Ah- I see. Well, I'm hoping you've heard the name Artemis?" Y/n asked 

"Yeah, I have! She's cool! I started watching her recently but Tommy doesn't like her that much for the sole reason that some "nobody" beat him." Sky said, "Of course I defended her, she earned her place in that MCC." 

"I'm glad you think that." Y/n said "Tommy doesn't like me because I won? I think that's a little bit of old news now. He seems okay with me." 

"Ah- you're Artemis. Oh my goodness." Sky said 

"Yeah. Grab your pizza, I got cheese for you because I didn't know what you liked." Y/n said and grabbed her box "We can talk about this tomorrow." 

"wait, this whole box is for me? Are you sure?" Sky asked 

"Yeah. Eat up. If you can't finish it put it in the fridge with your name. I can and will eat everything I find." Y/n joked and grabbed her box "I'm going to be in my room for the last of the night. Have a good night sky." 

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