File 5: A New Roommate.txt

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"Hng." Y/n gave out a whine as she was being shaken awake 

"Y/n... Y/n!" The voice said loudly making her jump awake and fall out of her chair 

"Who- what? Why?" Y/n asked and let out a shaky breath with her hand on her heart 

"You fell asleep in class again. Thankfully I caught one of your classmates who told me you passed put halfway during class." Thalia said tugging the h/c up "come on. We gotta clean. Your possible roommate will be coming soon and you need to pack to go home." 

"That's right. Today starts winter break, doesn't it? At least now since it's 3:30 something." Y/n said "three weeks off for holidays. Three weeks to spend with my family and friends back in Texas." She allowed herself to be dragged along by Thalia

"Yeah. That won't happen if you don't pack and leave before your flight tomorrow." Thalia grumbled and grabbed her and y/n's bike "Let's go. We gotta shower and clean." 

"Yes ma'am," Y/n said and hopped on, pedaling to her apartment. 


"Welcome!" Thalia said with an obvious smile on her face "I'm Thalia Romeave, one of the people who put up the ad for a new roommate." 

"Hello! I'm F/n L/n," Y/n said while pushing her hair back with a headband "I was the second person to put up the ad. I'll be your roommate." 

"Hi, I'm Sky Simons. It's a pleasure to meet you. I brought along my brother, I hope you don't mind." Sky said a soft smile on her face at the tall woman pointing at the tall blonde behind her.

Sky had long blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, and a slim frame. She looked to be an art major but looks can be deceiving. Her brother looked about the same with short curly hair and a more built frame. 

"It's fine. As long as he's not that loud." Y/n said, she wore a black tank top with an open red jacket over it and some blue jeans. "You're name is?" 

"His name is Thomas, My family and I call him Tommy though." Sky said, "If you don't mind, will you show us around?" 

"Of course. Uh, Y/n, would you like to lead the way?" Thalia asked 

"Yeah." Y/n said with a nod "When you first step in, there is our living room and right behind it is Thalia's Kitchen." 

"Why is it Thalia's? Isn't it both of yours?" Sky asked looking at the kitchen space 

"Ah- well. I'm a culinary student and Y/n over here is still learning how to cook. It's My kitchen because im always in it, cooking and learning." Thalia said, "I also don't trust Y/n in my kitchen because when I first met her, she burnt water." 

A loud laugh came from the sky's brother. It sounded like a mix between an alarm and something else. Sky giggled along with her brother and y/n looked away out of embarrassment 

"Anyways, moving on. We go into our hallway, which has four doors. One is the bathroom, one in the closet and the other two are my and Thalia's bedroom. 

"There's not much in here other than coats, extra blankets, and bathroom necessities. Right across is the bathroom, it has a tub and a removable shower head, and of course a toilet and sink." Y/n said 

"My room is under construction because moving out during the break. It's almost emptied though, so you can take a quick look." Thalia said and opened her door 

"My room is the brightest one in here, mainly because of the big window." She said with a soft smile "Of course if you want that changed it's fine, nothing a few curtains can't fix." 

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