Ending: Niki

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"Oh- it was 'Tell a time where you fell in love, it can either be storge, an empathy bond, Philia, a friend bond, or Eros, romantic love.' And it immediately came to mind I can write about what has happened to me this last past year." Y/n explained "And how This past year has been crazy and how I fell-" 

"Shhhh," Thalia cut her off and stopped her there "My turn to talk about finals." 

Niki giggled and walked over to wrap her arms around Y/n's neck and laid her chin on her head. Y/n smiled and swayed the top of her body gently while Niki hummed. Y/n soon stood and dragged Niki towards the sea to the sea to dance on the shore. 

Niki laughed as the sea lapping at their feet and the moonlight illuminated them. 

"Let's head out to town after we shower." Niki suggested as they waltzed "It would be fun! Plus it'd be fun to explore." 

"Yes!" Y/n exclaimed as she spun Niki around and dipped her "I would love to spend more time with you." 

Y/n touched her forehead to Niki's gently with a content smile. 

"Niki! Y/n!" Thalia called for them, "Time to roll out!" 

Y/n pulled Niki up and they ran hand in hand to the car. They got in after washing off their feet and This time Niki was sitting on Y/n's lap and Wilbur was in the backseat. The three girls' talked until they finally got to the hotel and they split up to shower. 

"Meet me here in an hour?" Niki asked 

"Of course," Y/n responded and walked back to her room to take a shower

She told techno she should be back around 3 or 4 am grabbed her things and headed down to find Niki in the lobby. When They found each other Niki was in plaid Pajama pants, her shoes, and a sweater that hung off her shoulder. Y/n was wearing sweatpants, her tennis shoes, a tank top, and her Dream Smily hoodie. 

"Ready to head out M'lady?" Y/n asked and offered her arm to Niki 

"Why yes!" Niki said and took her arm and they began their walk 

An hour and a half later they found a small waffle shop and they made their way in and ordered. 

"why did we get waffles at 3 am?" Niki asked as she took a sip of her orange juice 

"Why not?" Y/n asked, "I'd love to take the girl I like on a date, even if it's at 3 am." 

"You like me?" Niki asked softly 

"I am totally and utterly in love with you." Y/n said and grabbed Niki's hands "So, I know this probably isn't the best time but will you be my girlfriend?" 

"I thought You would never ask." Niki sighed 

"Hey, Sweetie?" Niki called out to her lover of five years 

"Yes, my love?" Y/n asked as she finished the dishes 

"How would you feel about eating out tonight?" Niki asked "My treat." 

"What do you have in mind?" Y/n asked 

"I don't know yet. Maybe our favorite restaurant, that little cafe we always go to." Niki suggested "They have that breakfast platter we always get. Especially since we had leftovers for breakfast." 

"sounds perfect, We can also wander around the little plaza and shop," Y/n suggested 

"Yes!" Niki exclaimed happily and clapped her hands 

Y/n smiled at her lover and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She really loved Niki, It would also give her a chance to propose to Niki. 

Around 6 pm they left the house and wandered around the plaza buying small trinkets and things. Then, they made their way into the cafe and ordered their usual, two plates of pancakes, hashbrowns, and eggs with a small platter of pastries, Niki had gone to order and came back with their drinks some boba. 

Y/n sipped her drink and said, "It's nice to be out and about." 

"It is," Niki sighed "It's especially nice since we haven't seen each other much last week." 

"I'm so sorry about that. The editors felt compelled to call me so late at night and so I was never there when you got home." Y/n pouted as their food came "Thank you, Olivia." 

They are their food and chapter for a good hour as it got late. The sunset illuminated Niki's features with a golden glow. A sigh escaped Y/n's lips with a smile. 

"What are you thinking about hun?" Niki asked 

"Just how much I wanna marry you," Y/n said 

Niki flushed and grinned. She stepped out of their little booth and she got on one knee. 

"Well, lucky for you Y/n, I was thinking about how I wanna marry you too." Niki said, "Will you marry me?" 

"Oh Niki," Y/n cooed "Is it even a question? Yes!" 

Niki stood and pressed a kiss to her lips while slipping on the ring. "Now, let's finish our dinner," Niki whispered 

Y/n felt kisses all and tiny hands over her face. Two years have passed and the couple had adopted a 5-year-old. 

"Mommy," her daughter, Athena, whispered "wake up. I and momma wanna read your book." 

"Y/n," she heard Niki coo "My love, wake up. We have breakfast." 

"Well, am I in heaven? Cause I see two angels above me." Y/n said as she sat up and pressed a kiss to Athena's forehead and one to Niki's lips 

"We're not angels mommy!" Athena giggled 

"Well, you definitely can be my little goddess," Y/n said cupping her daughter's face with a smile 

Athena giggled and curled up to her mothers. "Lets read your book," Niki suggested "Thena has been dying to read it." 

"Shouldn't we eat first?" Y/n asked 

"But I wanna read it now!" Athena whined 

"How about this? If you eat we can read our book after breakfast." Y/n compromised "Is that a deal?" 

"Deal!" Her eyes were determined and she raced to the kitchen to eat. 

Y/n and Niki laughed at their baby and walked after her. How did she get this lucky? 

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