File 34: leaving and meeting.txt

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"Thank you so much for helping me pack Niki." She said with a grin 

A week had passed since she had met up with Wilbur, and after he dragged her out of the arcade and to his home he challenged her to a duel on Mario Kart. 

He 'lost' to her and laughed when she tried to storm out of his house. 

"Don't be a sore loser little dove." He cooed playfully while grabbing her hand, dragging her 

"Oh fuck off." She grumbled letting him drag her back down as he coddled her with him cooing

"Anyway, I think that's it," Niki spoke up after checking off the last thing on y/n's list 

"Thank you so much for helping Niki." Y/n said turning towards the girl with a smile "Let me treat you for helping me, Niki. We should spend a little time together while your here."

 "Actually? That sounds fun. Your flight leaves tomorrow, right? It'll last for what 12 hours?" Niki asked putting on her shoes 

"Basically." Y/n said doing the same thing and grabbing her keys "I leave at 1 am tonight."

"That early?" Niki asked 

"I wanna be there by 2 pm at least." Y/n said, "But I can sleep on the plane."

"Hmm. I can't wait to go. It sounds like a dream to hang with all the guys and you." Niki grinned

Y/n smiled and opened the door for her and closed it after herself when Niki walked out. 

"It would be. I can't wait." Y/n said "so what do you want to do? We can do-" 

She was cut off by Sky calling her. Y/n looked at Niki and gave her a questioning look to ask if she could take the call. Niki nodded and she answered. 

"Uhm... Y/n?" She heard Sky mumble "We may have two unplanned guests?" 

"Who?" She asked 

"Tommy and probably Tubbo." Sky said, "I was telling Mom and Dad about the trip and Tommy asked if he could come along and he was on a call with Tubbo, who heard we were going to California so he asked if he could come along because they wanna see Ranboo." 

"Wow okay. If they could get their things ready in a week and their parents are okay with it, I'm sure I can scrounge up some extra tickets. of course. it's cutting it close." Y/n said grabbing Niki's hand and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it 

"Alright. I'll tell them that." Sky said and hung up  

Niki giggled at her actions and the two walked hand in hand where the streets took them. When Niki or Y/n saw something they liked they went into the store and sometimes bought it or just window shopped. The two girls talked for hours as they wandered before heading into a restaurant to eat dinner. 

Niki insisted on paying and then taking her out to a park where they hogged the swings. 

"Are you excited?" Niki asked, "For California?" 

"Yeah. My Parents wanted to take a drive there with my siblings the week you guys arrive. So you would've been able to meet them again." Y/n said softly "But they couldn't get the week off. When they met you last time, They loved you. All of you actually."

"That's sweet." Niki said a soft smile on her face "Can I see you off tomorrow?" 

"Of course! I would love that." Y/n said with the largest grin imaginable "Wait, would you be willing to wake up at one am?" 

"For you, I'd stay up all night," Niki said with a smile and Y/n swore she was struck by Cupids arrow 

"I'll see you in a few hours then," Y/n said softly 

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