File 6: Home.txt

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"God I hate jet lag." The H/c female whined as she drove home in a rental car trying not to nod off while driving at like 9 pm. 

She got home after about 30 minutes and took her suitcase, duffel bag, laptop case, and travel bag out. She walked up the driveway and knocked on the door to her childhood home. 

"Hello- Y/n! You didn't tell us you were coming early." Her mother said softly and hugged her daughter helping with her bags. "You're siblings and father are in their rooms." 

Alex L/n was a H/c with bright green eyes. She was a petite woman and was 5' even. She was a sweet person who had a lot of book-smarts. She was 44 years old and had a stable job at the toll road. 

"I'll see the kids first and then we'll all jump dad," Y/n said and kissed her mom's cheek. "Is my room still the same?" 

"We never touch it." Her mother said with a sly grin 

She rolled her eyes and quietly moved her bags to her room upstairs and left her things on the floor except for her laptop. She walked next door and opened the boy's door. The room was Grey and Pink, she smiled and closed the door. 

They both laid on the same bed watching a movie. "May I join?" She asked which made the two jump and look around and see the girl with her finger to her lips 

Alexander and Joey scrambled out of the bed and hugged her almost knocking her over. "Man, y'all are so big. Have I been gone for that long?" Y/n said and kissed their foreheads 

"You only come home for Christmas and summer," Joey said with a smug look on his face 

"Yeah, well, I can't wait to see how many breaks you take when you get to college." Y/n said, "Now help me surprise your sisters."  

She heard Alexander cheer and made his way out of the room. She only smiled and walked out with Joey, her arm over his shoulders 

"Lily! Ley!" Alexander exclaimed as he jumped on his 16-year-old sister. They both laid on their respective bunk beds, Lily on top bunk and Leyla on the bottom bunk.

"Hey, Xander! Whats-" Leyla said as she looked up and gasped "Y/n!" 

"Y/n?!" Lily asked as she almost fell off the bed 

"Whoa! Calm down there partner!" Y/n said and pushed lily back onto her bed while Leyla hugged her waist 

"We've missed you!" They both said 

"No, y'all didn't. You missed me driving y'all around town." She said with a smirk "help me jump dad then I'm gonna head to bed." 

She watched as her sisters scrambled out of bed and walk in front of her to their dad's room. He was still up watching TV when they entered. 

"Hey what's going on?" He asked suspicion rising in his tone. Y/n stood behind her brother, who was, fortunately, taller than her

"Hey, dad..." Lily said, "A strange woman is here." 

"A strange woman? Who and where is she? Is your mother okay?" Her dad asked getting out of bed 

"Hi, I'm a strange woman. Uh, their mother is downstairs tied up." Y/n said as she stepped out from behind Joey 

Her father blinked before he burst out laughing as he walked forward and hugged the girl. "Welcome back Mija. How was your flight?" He asked rubbing her back 

"My flight was good. I'm extremely tired though. So I'm gonna put my things away then pass out." Y/n said as her siblings exited the room 

"You do that. I gotta work tomorrow but tomorrow night we'll get some takeout and feast." Her dad said with a grin and patted her back 

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